The next CESRA Workshop will be held between July 3-7, 2023 in the University of Hertfordshire, located in Hatfield, just outside Greater London. It will be hosted by the Centre for Astrophysics Research.

Key discussion topics will feature observations, modelling and theory contributions related to
Scientific Organising Committee:
  • Alexander Nindos
  • Alexander Warmuth
  • Eduard Kontar (Chair)
  • Gregory Fleishman
  • Jasmina Magdalevic
  • Mykola Gordovskyy
Local Organising Committee:
  • Mykola Gordovskyy (Chair)
  • Vito Graffagnino

Workshop programme


The workshop will include a plenary session, as well as four specialist working groups:

WG1: Sun-Earth connection and the inner heliosphere
Leaders: Jasmina Magdalenic and Ludwig Klein

Solar radio bursts provide us important information on the associated eruptive processes, such as flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), but also on the characteristics of the ambient plasma through which the radiation propagates. In this working group we focus mostly on the radio observations by the space based instruments on board e.g. WIND, Stereo, PSP (Parker Solar Probe) and SolO (Solar Orbiter). The diagnostics of coronal plasma employing radio observations at large wavelengths can be directly combined with the in situ and remote sensing observations, which is in particular the case for the novel PSP and SolO observations at close to the Sun distances. This working group aims to discuss on the recent findings, theories and models related to the radio emissions in the inner heliosphere, on what information about ambient coronal plasma such radio observations can provide us, but also on how the novel in situ and remote sensing observations by PSP and SolO can help us in advancing our knowledge on the radio emission processes.

WG2: Electron acceleration and radio emission in solar flares
Leaders: Alexander Warmuth and Hamish Reid

Different types of radio emission provide unique diagnostics on energy release and particle acceleration/transport in solar flares. Together with hard X-ray observations, they provide information on timing, location, and spectral characteristics of the nonthermal electrons, as well as their environment and associated physical processes. New observational assets allow us to put tighter constraints on acceleration and transport models. Conversely, there has been significant progress in numerical simulations of magnetic reconnection and particle acceleration. This working group aims to discuss how we can exploit these advanced observing and modeling capabilities to better understand radio emitting energetic electrons in solar flares.

WG3: Coronal mass ejections and associated radio emissions
Leaders: Alexander Nindos and Pietro Zucca

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are large-scale expulsions of coronal plasma and magnetic field propagating through the heliosphere. Because CMEs are observed by white-light coronagraphs which, by design, occult the solar disk, supporting observations (e.g. in EUV, soft X-rays, Halpha and radio) must be employed for the study of their source regions and early development phases. Radio observations have the potential of tracking both the CME and its possible shock wave from their formation in the low corona all the way to the inner heliosphere. These observations provide valuable diagnostics about the sites of electron acceleration, the properties of energetic electrons as well as the bulk properties of the CME magnetized plasma. In recent years new solar-dedicated and general-purpose radio instruments have been developed and old ones have been upgraded. These instruments provide extremely high cadence imaging spectroscopy observations, and have opened up new horizons in the study of CMEs, especially when they are paired with the latest EUV and white-light instruments. These developments indicate that it is a timely endeavor to review recent advances in radio CME research and highlight potential avenues for further studies. To this end, we welcome contributions by all colleagues who, at some point, have used radio observations for the study of CMEs.

WG4: Solar atmosphere, radio wave propagation and turbulence
Leaders: Gregory Fleishman and Christian Vocks

This working group is devoted to the radio studies related to active regions, the quiet solar atmosphere structure and dynamics, coronal heating, turbulence, radio wave scattering, refraction. We invite participants of the CESRA meeting to attend and present contributions that are relevant to these range of science topics. In particular, we would like to emphasize the following aspects: radio diagnostics of magneto-thermal coupling in chromosphere and corona, diagnostics of turbulence, and its role in plasma heating as well as wave propagation.


Costas Alissandrakis Radio and EUV emission from MHD simulations of coronal jets PDF
Costas Alissandrakis Millimeter Wavelength Observations of Solar Spicules in a Polar Coronal Hole PDF
Miroslav Barta What is the temperature of solar prominences? PDF
Philippa Browning Modelling particle acceleration in solar flares PDF
Javier Bussons Towards a next-generation eCallisto network PDF
Valente Cuambe C6.2 class flare parameters inferred with a 3D geometry of flare database PDF
Mykola Gordovskyy Sizes and shapes of spike sources observed by LOFAR PDF
Hugh Hudson Hot onsets at radio wavelengths PDF
Devojyoti Kansabanik Deciphering faint gyrosynchrotron emission from CME using spectro-polarimetric radio imaging PDF
Karl-Ludwig Klein Non-thermal and thermal electron signatures during a type IV burst PDF
Eduard Kontar Density turbulence from the Sun to the Earth and solar radio burst observed parameters PDF
Anshu Kumari Type III radio bursts and storms in metric and DH wavelengths PDF
Camille Lorfing How do wave-particle interactions in the heliosphere modify solar electron distribution functions? PDF
Alberto Pelizzoni Single-dish radio monitoring of the solar atmosphere with INAF radiotelescopes: early scientific results and future challenges PDF
Kiyoto Shibasaki Bohr-van Leeuwen paradox PDF
Nicole Vilmer Statisticalstudyof type III burstsand associatedHXR emissions PDF
Christian Vocks Separating fundamental and harmonic sources in LOFAR solar type III radio burst images PDF
Jinge Zhang Imaging a large coronal loop using type-U solar radio burst interferometry PDF


For further help, please contact SOC chair Eduard Kontar (Glasgow) or LOC chair Mykola Gordovskyy (Hertfordshire).