School's Day
Do you want to learn more about astronomy and space technology?
This year is the celebration of 400 years since Galileo first looked through a telescope and has been designated by UNESO and the UN as the International Year of Astronomy. You are invited to join us to celebrate the International Year of Astronomy on 24 April 2009 for a Schools Day aimed at Gifted and Talented children (Yr 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13). This will take place as part of the main European professional conference during the International Year of Astronomy.
Video: ExoMars rover model will be present at the event
The Schools Day will be co-hosted by Astrium, The European Space Agency and the European Southern Observatory. It will include a variety of different Astronomy and Space Science activities. We will be offering a wide range of interactive and exciting activities including visit to our Observatory or to Astrium.
Outline Programme
- On campus: Astronomy and Space Science activities
- Starry messenger film
- Solar workshop
- Time snail
- Music of the spheres
- Computer workshop
- Asteroid impact
- Rockets workshop
- Next Generation Space Telescope
- Writers workshop
- Demos from companies
- Mars Yard
- Various Talks, including Mars rovers, Free-flying spacecraft
- Astronomy trip: Visit to Bayfordbury Observatory
- Planetarium
- Computer Workshop (Multicolour imaging, finding the orbits of extra-solar planets,Galaxy zoo)
- Solar Observations and Telescopes tour
- Radio telescope, which can operate in all conditions
- Space Science trip: Visit to Astrium
- EADS Astrium is the European leader in space and the established leader inspace transportation, satellite systems and services. This trip will include a tour of the local facility which is prime contractor for many major science science missions such as LISA Pathfinder which will be the first mission including free flying spacecraft with the capability to detect gravitational waves.