Kick-off Meeting

The kick-off meeting was held in Madrid between the 28th and 29th of January 2009, coinciding with the Madrid summer school. Visiting scientists were invited to participate with members of the RoPACS network to listen to a variety of introductory presentations.

The aim of the meeting was to cover the following points:

  • Give a full presentation and agreement of the project, including overall work plan and specification of key deadlines and actions
  • Provide basis for a detailed annual work plan
  • Clarify methods of communication between partners
  • Inform about administrative procedures, e.g. communication, reporting, financial issues
  • Set up topical working groups
  • Outline plans for research activities and present important updates on new results and facilities

Materials in support of the kick-off meeting

Presentations given at the kick-off meeting

Each of the presentations listed below can be downloaded by clicking the relevant link

Photographs taken at the kick-off meeting

Click on the following link to view photographs taken at the RoPACS kick-off meeting.