2025 | ||
9.14-19 | Ensenada, Mexico | Invited talk at IAU Symposium 402: Massive stars across redshifts in the era of JWST and large surveys |
7.21-8.1 | Banyuls-sur-Mer | SOC at GISM3 International Summer School on the ISM of Nearby Galaxies |
7.16-22 | Spetses | Invited lecturer at School on Galaxy Formation and Evolution |
7.7-11 | Durham | SOC of NAM session. Forging the elements: Understanding chemical evolution and stellar populations across cosmic time |
6.23-27 | Cork, Ireland | SOC of EAS Symposium. Cosmic Chemical Enrichment: A tale of stars and galaxies |
6.9-13 | Naples | Invited talk at IAU Symposium 396: Massive Galaxies across the Universe |
6.4-6 | York | SOC of BRIDGCE annual meeting |
5.27-30 | Austin | Invited Talk at Formation of the Earliest Cosmic Structures from a Joint Observational and Theoretical Perspective |
5.26 | online | Invited Colloquium Talk at Astrophysics Research Center of the Open University, Israel |
5.19-23 | Athens | Invited Talk at 2025 IReNA-CeNAM Frontiers in Nuclear Astrophysics Meeting, Ohio University |
5.12-16 | Toledo | Panelist at CRISOL25: Galaxy origins in the JWST era: a crisol of stars, ISM, and super massive blackholes in the City of the Three Cultures |
4.30 | Rome | Invited Colloquium Talk at University of Rome |
3.27 | Portsmouth | Invited Colloquium Talk at Univ. of Portsmouth |
3.16-22 | Invited lecture at Russbach School Nuclear Astrophysics (declined) | |
3.11 | Herts | Talk at institute lunch seminar |
3.1-7 | Karpacz, Poland | Invited lecture at Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics |
2 | Mitaka | meeting |
1.20-25 | Invited talk at EMMI Workshop (withdrawn) | |
1.7-10 | PFS meeting | |
2024 | ||
12.24-26 | Invited talk at 理論懇シンポ:宇宙論100年, "宇宙の化学進化" (12.26) | |
12.12 | Invited talk at Dirac Day, "Simulating the chemical enrichment of the Galaxy and in the Universe" | |
12.11 | Book Chapter in Encyclopedia of Astrophysics, eds. I. Mandel, et al. (Elsevier), submitted | |
12.9-13 | Invited lecture at Galaxy modelling workshop (withdrawn) | |
12.2-4 | online | Invited online lecture at Between the Lines: A Stellar Spectroscopy Workshop, ESO, "Stellar Nucleosynthesis" (12.4) |
11.25 | Sao Paulo | Invited Colloquium Talk at Instituto de Astronomia, Geofısica e Ciencias Atmosfericas, University Sao Paulo |
11.17-22 | Paraty, Brazil | Invited review at IAU Symposium 395: Stellar populations in the Milky Way and beyond, to honoour Beatriz Barbuy, "Chemical evolution with hydrodynamical cosmological simulations" (11.21) |
11.8 | London | George Darwin Lecture "The origin of Elements in the Universe" at Royal Astronomical Society |
11.6 | online | Talk at MSE workshop, "Chemodynamical evolution of the Milky Way - the need for higher-resolution spectra" |
11.6 | Herts | Visitor: Anke Ardern-Arentsen |
10.28-29 | Herts | Two PhD students visit |
10.20-25 | Ringberg | Invited to workshop: Computational Galaxy Formation, "Simulating Galactic and cosmic chemical enrichment" (10.23) |
10.16-17 | Herts | Visitor: Stephanie Monty |
9.30-10.3 | Potsdam | Invited Colloquium Talk at AIP The Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (10.1) |
9.28 | online | Public Lecture 宇核連企画 朝日カルチャー公開講座で講演 |
9.17-21 | Canberra | Invited talk at MSO 100th anniversary celebration "Making the elements - chemical enrichment at Mt Stromlo" (9.18) |
9.14-17 | Melbourne | Short talk at Stellar Group meeting, Monash University (9.16) |
9.15-20 | Scientific Advisory Board of Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics NPA-XI (unlikely to attend) | |
9.11 | Herts | Visitor: Clare Worley |
9.8-14 | IAC of 17th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies OMEG2024 (unlikely to attend) | |
9.5 | online | Invited lecture at INAC School & OMEG pre-symposium, Beihang University, China, "Galactic chemical evolution in the era of JWST" |
8.26-30 | SOC of The Progenitors of Supernovae and their Explosion (unlikely to attend) | |
8.18-24 | Invited lecture to ICESUN Summer School 2024: Stellar Explosions and Related Objects (may attend a few days) | |
7.22-26 | Cambridge | Invited talk at IoA50: New Frontiers of Astronomy "The Origin of Elements & their Evolution in Galaxies" (7.24) |
7.15-19 | Hull | SOC of National Astronomy Meeting; awarded for George Darwin Lecturership from Royal Astronomical Society |
7.11 | Herts | Visitor: Emma Ryan-Weber |
7.8-10 | Guildford | SOC of BRIDGCE annual meeting, University of Surrey |
7.1-5 | Padova | SOC co-chair of European Astronomical Society session: Chemical evolution in the era of JWST: from stars to galaxies. Also two talks S3 "Intermittent star formation inferred from elemental abundances in JWST galaxies" (7.2), S12 "Simulating Chemical Enrichment in galaxies and in the Galaxy" (7.4) |
6.24-28 | Palinuro | SOC of Cosmic Chemical Evolution - A conference in honour of Francesca Matteucci; talk "Chemodynamical Simulations of the Galaxy & galaxies" (6.28) |
5.23 | Herts | Visitor: Evan Kirby |
5.5-10 | Paralia, Greece | Invited talk at HeavyMetal workshop "Galaxy Chemical Evolution" (5.10) |
4.29-5.3 | Leiden | Invited talk at Lorentz Centre workshop: Gravitational waves: a new ear on the chemistry of galaxies "Galaxy Chemical Evolution - major recent results & current status -" (4.30) |
4.15-19 | Baltimore | Invited review at 2024 STScI Spring Symposium: Recipes to regulate star formation at all scales: From the nearby Universe to the first galaxies "The relationship between star formation and chemical evolution" (4.17) |
3.27-28 | Marseilles | Invited Colloquium Talk at LAM Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille (3.28) |
3.11-15 | Invited talk at workshop: Cosmic Threads: Interlinking the Stellar Initial Mass Function from Star-birth to Galaxies (declined due to clash) | |
3.11-12 | Hongo | SOC chair of Astronomical Society of Japan special session: Formation and evolution of the Galaxy and galaxies with Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph |
1.12 | GN-z11 paper accepted 2308.15583 | |
1.10-12 | Geneve | Invited talk at Workshop: Formation, Evolution and Signatures of Supermassive Stars, "Chemical Evolution of the first/early galaxy" (1.12) |
2023 | ||
12.26-29 | Tokyo | Visiting IPMU |
12.21 | Melbourne | Visiting Swinburne University |
12.19 | Melbourne | Visiting Monash University |
12.8 | Sydney | Colloquium talk at University of Sydney |
12.5 | Canberra | Colloquium talk at RSAA |
11.27-12.3 | Tangalooma, Moreton Island | Astro3D retreat |
11.27-12.25 | Canberra | RSAA Distinguished Visitor |
11.1-2 | online | Invited talk at workshop: The Milky Way Seen through Neutron-Capture Elements, Lund, Sweden, "Origin of the s and r process elements" (11.1) |
10.9-12 | Paris | SOC of workshop: Milky Way research: connecting the near and far field, also talk "Chemodynamic evolution from early discs to the Milky Way" (10.11) |
9.27 | Pisa | collaborative meeting |
9.18-22 | Procchio, Elba | Invited to Mike's Fest: The Galactic bulge and beyond, talk "Elemental abundances in the Galactic bulge, M31 disks, and in the early Universe" (9.21) |
9.17-22 | International Advisory Committee, and Programme Committee chair, of Nuclei in the Cosmos NIC-XVII (not attending) | |
9.11-13 | Edinburgh | SOC of BRIDGCE-IReNA annual meeting |
9.6-8 | Heidelberg | Invited talk at Hengstberger Symposium: Understanding the massive-star origin of our elements: A unified understanding of stellar yields, "Galactic Chemical Evolution modelling & the implementation of stellar yields" (9.8) |
9.4 | M31 paper accepted 2309.01707 Press Release | |
8.30-9.1 | online | PFS WG co-chairs' meeting |
8.25 | online | Invited talk at Maria Lugaro's ERC grant RADIOSTAR closing event |
7.31-8.25 | MIAPP workshop: Stellar Astrophysics in the Era of Gaia, Spectroscopic and Asteroseismic Surveys (declined) | |
7.25-8.2 | Banyuls-sur-Mer | Invited lecture at GISM2 International Summer School on the ISM of Nearby Galaxies, "Chemical Evolution of Galaxies: Theories and Observations" (7.27) |
6.29 | Herts | Visitor: Caroline Foster |
6.13 | Herts | Innovation and Sustainability Panel at PECS conference |
6.2 | London | collaborative meeting |
5.24-26 | Michigan | Invited talk at CeNAM Frontiers in Nuclear Astrophysics, "The Origin of Elements and their Evolution in Galaxies" (5.26) |
5.15-18 | Trieste | Invited talk at IFPU Focus Week on the First Stars, "The First Chemical Enrichment" (5.17) |
5.12 | Cambridge | collaborative meeting |
4.19 | Oxford | SPI-MAX seminar talk "Can neutron star mergers alone explain the r-process enrichment of the Milky Way?" |
3.20-24 | Cambridge | JWST 2023: A new era in extragalactic astronomy: early results from the James Webb Space Telescope |
3.1-5 | Kashiwa | PFS meeting |
2.27 | London | Invited colloquium talk at UCL |
2.25 | Oxford | Session Chair at Physics Feuds Throughout History |
2.15 | Book Chapter in Handbook of Nuclear Physics on ArXiv:2302.07255 | |
2.6-10 | Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia | SOC of IAUS 377: Early Disk-Galaxy Formation from JWST to the Milky Way, talk "Chemodynamical Evolution of Galaxies: from Milky Way to Early Disk Galaxies" (2.9) |
2022 | ||
12.29-1.17 | Japan | collaborative visit |
12.24 | CE paper accepted, 2 weeks after submission ArXiv:2212.06770 | |
12.18 | NSM paper accepted, 5 weeks after submission ArXiv:2211.04964 Press Release | |
12.5-7 | SOC of hybrid annual meeting of BRIDGCE network | |
12.5-9 | Melbourne | Invited talk at GWPAW Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop, "Metallicity specific star formation history: theory and observations" (12.8) |
12.4 | Book Chapter in Handbook of Nuclear Physics submitted | |
11.30-12.3 | Canbetta | Visiting Monash ANU; talk at GASP (11.30) |
11.27-12.10 | Melbourne | Visiting Monash University; talk at stellar group meeting (12.7) |
10.31-11.25 | Munich | MIAPP workshop: The Fundamental Role of Stellar Multiplicity in Stellar Dynamics and Evolution, talk "The role of stellar multiplicity in galactic chemical evolution" (11.9); The Impact of Binaries on Stellar Evolution (ImBaSE), talk "Black hole-neutron star mergers for early Galactic chemical enrichment" (11.15) |
10.25-28 | Advisory Committee & Invited talk at OMEG16 16th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies, "Galactic chemical evolution of light-to-heavy elements" (10.25 online) | |
9.26-30 | Sestri Levante, Italy | Invited talk at PUMA22 Probing the Universe with Multi-Messenger Astrophysics, "Galactic archeology: overview and chemical evolution" (9.30) |
9.26-30 | What Drives the Growth of Black Holes? A Decade of Reflection (missed due to clash) | |
9.20-23 | Invited to KCF@80 (missed due to clash) | |
9.19-23 | Catania | SOC co-chair of KICC workshop: Charting the metallicity evolution history of the Universe |
9.5-9 | Invited talk at The Epoch of Galaxy Quenching 2022, "The origin of the elements and their connection to galaxy quenching" (9.6 online) | |
9.5-9 | Chania, Crete | Invited to Alvio@80, talk "Elemental Abundances across Cosmic Times" (9.7) |
8.3 | Cambridge | KICC visit |
7.20-22 | online | Invited talk at BUAA Workshop, Beihang University, "Galactic Chemo-dynamical Evolution" (7.20) |
7.11-15 | Warwick | SOC of NAM parallel session: Bridging stellar interactions with galactic chemical evolution, nucleosynthesis and dust |
6.27-7.1 | Valencia | European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting |
6.13-16 | Budapest | SOC of Astrophysics with Radioactive Isotopes; talk "The origin of elements and the formation of the Milky Way" (6.15) |
5.13 | Munich | Informal talk at galaxy observation group |
5.12 | Munich | Invited talk at Munich Joint Astronomy Colloquium |
4.12 | online | Invited talk at PECS conference, University of Hertfordshire |
4.4-15 | Hongo | FoPM seminar talk on 4.13 at Hongo Campus |
4.4-15 | Kashiwa | visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
3.22-24 | PFS meeting | |
3.21-25 | Sesto | Invited talk at I2I: linking galaxy physics from ISM to IGM scales, "chemical evolution through cosmic time" (3.23) |
1.30 | online | Public Lecture 日本語版2022年カレンダー「宇宙核物理を築いた女性研究者たち」出版記念トークイベント 宇宙核物理から広がる世界 |
1.24-27 | Quasar and Galaxies through Cosmic Time | |
1.11-13 | Subaru User's Meeting | |
2021 | ||
12.23-1.23 | Kashiwa | visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher; seminar talk on 1.19 |
12.13-16 | online | SOC of virtual annual meeting of BRIDGCE network |
11.20 | online | Public Lecture 宇核連企画 朝日カルチャー公開講座で講演 |
11.11 | online | Invited Lecture at II NAT - Lectures on Astrophysics. When Theory & Simulations Meet the Data, "Chemodynamical evolution of galaxies" |
11.10 | Amsterdam | Invited colloquium talk at University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands |
11.9 | online | Invited talk at 国立天文台将来シンポジウム, "Nucleosynthesis: the origin of elements, Milky Way, & distant galaxies" |
11.8 | Live interview at BBC Look East | |
11.4 | Nature Astronomy paper on fluorine in a distant galaxy published, Press Release | |
11.2-5 | Ringberg | XXth Nuclear Astrophysics Workshop on Ringberg Castle, "The origin of elements and the mystery of gold" (11.4) |
11.1-5 | Invited Talk at IAU Symposium 366: The Origin of Outflows in Evolved Stars, "The role of mass loss in chemodynamical evolution of galaxies" (11.2 online) | |
10.18-22 | HRMOS Science Workshop (hybrid) | |
10.18 | online | Talk at Astro3D First Stars team meeting |
10.4-22 | online | Talk at INT Program 21-3 Radionuclides: Nuclear Physics, Astrophysical Models, and Observations, "Testing r-Process Yields with Galactic Chemical Evolution" (10.14) |
10.8 | online | Talk at institute lunch seminar |
10.1 | online | Invited colloquium talk at Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile |
10 | Leverhulme Research Fellow for "Birth of elements" until Sep. 2023 | |
9.28-29 | PFS meeting | |
9.27-30 | 金属欠乏宇宙2021 | |
9.23 | DiRAC-3 Launch Day 2021 | |
9.21-25 | International Advisory Committee & Invited Talk at Nuclei in the Cosmos NIC-XVI, "Galactic archaeology and the mystery of gold" (9.25 online) | |
9.8-10 | ChETEC meeting (hybrid) | |
8.1 | Promoted to Professor of Astrphysics | |
7.28 | online | Invited to Seminar series in British Columbia, Canada (UBC, UVic, SFU, HAA) |
7.26-30 | Talk at Nuclear burning in massive stars: towards the formation of binary black holes, "Galactic chemical evolution & the origin of the elements" (7.26 online) | |
7.18-23 | SOC of NAM parallel session: Unveiling cosmic chemical evolution: the role of transients, the origin of elements, and galaxy evolution | |
7.14-15 | Virtual workshop on (α,n) reactions for astrophysics | |
7.8 | Nature paper on magnetorotational hypernovae published, Press Release | |
6.28-7.2 | online | Panel speaker at Career Event (6.28), ESA European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting |
6.24 | TV NHK BS「コズミックフロント」出演 (7.30再放送) | |
6.22-24 | Invited talk at 2021 GALAH Science Meeting, "Chemodynamical Simulations of Milky Way: the bimodality in other elements" (6.24 online) | |
6.21-23 | online | Short talk at Astro3D MAGPI busy week (6.21) |
6.16 | online | Invited colloquium talk, Universiy of Barcelona, Spain |
6.14 | online | Invited colloquium talk, Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul / Universidade Cidade de São Paulo, Brazil |
6.3 | online | Representative stakeholder at Astro3D mid-term review panel |
5.24-28 | ESO Chemical Abundances in Gaseous Nebulae: from the Milky Way to the Early Universe | |
5.17-20 | STScI Multi-object Spectroscopy for Statistical Measures of Galaxy Evolution | |
4.17 | online | Public Talk 科学技術館 科学ライブショー「ユニバース」オンライン上演会にゲスト出演 |
4.12-16 | ESO/Chile Extragalactic Spectroscopic Surveys: Past, Present and Future of Galaxy Evolution | |
3.29-30 | KITP Conference: White Dwarfs from Physics to Astrophysics | |
3.9-12 | Prime Focus Spectrograph 12th collaboration meeting | |
3.2-4 | Cool Stars 20.5 | |
2.19 | online | Talk at institute lunch seminar |
2.3-5 | online | Talk at Science with UV-efficient ground-based spectrographs, "The origin of elements: the need for UV spectra" (2.3) |
1.21 | Podcast: Bilingual News (recorded on 11.21) | |
1.11-15 | online | Invited Lecture at UKRI STFC Introductory Course for new Astronomy Research Students 2020/21, "Open questions on galaxy formation and evolution" (1.14) |
2020 | ||
12.14-17 | online | SOC of virtual annual meeting of BRIDGCE network, talk "Introduction of Chemical Evolution of Galaxies (theoretical)" (12.17) |
12.10 | online | Invited colloquium talk at University of Turku, Finland |
12.1-4 | online | JINA Horizons workshop |
12.3-4 | Invited Talk at Confenrece: Linking the Galactic and Extragalactic (12.3 online), in-person POSTPONED to 2022 (missed) | |
11.15-18 | online | 初代星・初代銀河研究会2020 |
11.13 | online | Invited Talk at Virtual RAS meeting "Progress in Astrophysics with Type-Ia Supernovae" |
10.25-29 | online | NAOJ研究会「星の錬金術から銀河考古学へ」 |
10.15 | online | Invited colloquium talk at Uppsala University, Sweden |
10.6 | Podcast: The Cosmic Companion (recorded on 9.25) | |
10.5-9 | online | STScI Galaxy Formation and Evolution in the Era of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope |
10.5-10 | Invited talk at IAU Symposium 366: The Origin of Outflows in Evolved Stars - POSTPONED to 2021 ONLINE | |
10.8 | online | Invited colloquium talk at Armagh Observatory, Northern Ireland |
10.5 | online | Talk at stellar group in Cambridge |
10.2 | online | Invited colloquium talk at IReNA |
9.21-25 | International Advisory Committee of Nuclei in the Cosmos NIC-XVI - POSTPONED to 2021 ONLINE | |
9.21-24 | Invited to KCF@80 - POSTPONED to 2022 (missed due to clash) | |
9.14-18 | Invited to XLIV Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Astronomical Society - CANCELLED | |
9.14 | online | Invited Talk at virtual conference in Japan 新学術領域「星惑星形成」A01班 |
9.8-10 | online | KICC Epoch of Galaxy Quenching 2020 |
9.2-4 | ChETEC meeting | |
8.10 | new GCE paper accepted ADS, 33 pages, 40 figures. Press Release | |
7.24-8.9 | Olympic - POSTPONED to 2021 | |
7.24 | online | institute lunch seminar talk |
6.29-7.3 | online | EAS annual meeting |
6.8-11 | SOC of Astrophysics with Radioactive Isotopes - POSTPONED to 2022 | |
6.5 | online | ASTRO-3D Virtual Science Meeting |
5.24-30 | Invited to Alvio@80 - POSTPONED to 2022 | |
5.6-11 | visiting - CANCELLED | |
4.25 | new SNIa paper accepted ADS, 20 pages, 26 figures. Press Release | |
4.23 | online | talk galaxy group in Cambridge |
4.19-24 | Invited Talk at Computational Galaxy Formation 2020 - CANCELLED | |
3.31 | Herts | End of sabbatical |
3.19 | Seminar talk at Armagh Observatory - ONLINE in Oct | |
3.10-17 | Cambridge | KICC Visitor |
3.2-6 | Concepcion, Chile | SOC of The First Stars VI, talk "State-of-the-art chemodynamical simulations: The Origin of Elements and their Evolution in Galaxies" (3.3) |
2.19 | Trieste | PhD examinar |
2.18 | Trieste | Invited colloquium talk at University of Trieste, Italy |
2.14 | London | Invited talk at RAS meeting: Galactic Disc and Halo Dynamics towards Gaia EDR "Chemodynamical simulations of a Milky Way type galaxy - the roles of migration & inhomogeneous enrichment" |
2.12 | Melbourne | Colloquium talk at Monash University |
2.5 | Melbourne | Seminar talk at University of Melbourne |
2.1-13 | Melbourne | Monash Visitor |
1.30 | Canberra | Colloquium talk at RSAA |
1.20-24 | Kashiwa | Invited to IPMU workshop: Astrophysics of LIGO/Virgo sources in O3 era (1.21) |
1.14-17 | Kashiwa | Invited Talk at IPMU workshop: Berleley Week, "The Origin of Elements" (1.16) |
2019 | ||
12.11 | Canberra | Short talk at GASP meeting |
12.9-13 | Canberra | Talk at GALAH busy week, "Migration in chemodynamical simulations of Milky Way" (12.11) |
12.6 | Melbourne | Seminar talk at Swinbrune University |
12.2-4 | Melbourne | Talk at Stars Conference at Monash University, "The Origin of Elements" (12.3) |
11.23-12.7 | Melbourne | Monash Visitor |
11.18-22 | Hunter Valley | |
11.15 | Sydney | Seminar talk at University of Sydney |
11.11-14 | Ballarat | Invited to Astro3D retreat |
11.12-15 | SOC of IAU Symposium 358: Astronomy for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion - a roadmap to action within the framework of IAU centennial anniversary (not attended) | |
11.1-20.2.1 | Canberra | Sabbatical to be RSAA Distinguished Visitor |
10.16 | Nottingham | Invited colloquium talk at University of Nottingham |
10.7 | Cambridge | Short talk at stellar group meeting |
10.3 | Cambridge | Short talk at galaxy group meeting |
10.1-9 | Cambridge | KICC (Kavli Institute for Cosmology Cambridge) Visitor, multiple visits until Oct 2021 |
9.23-27 | Serralunga d'Alba, Italy | Invited Talk at p-process workshop 2019, "State-of-the-art of chemical evolution modelling for the origins of elements" (9.25) |
9.18 | Warwick | Invited Talk at workshop: The Importance of Binaries, "Open Questions in Chemical Evolution" |
9.9-13 | Cancelled - Invited Talk at CEMP Stars as Probes of First-Star Nucleosynthesis, the IMF, and Galactic Assembly (9.13) | |
9.10-12 | Saint-Petersburg, Russia | Invited Talk at The Periodic Table Through Space and Time, the XXI Jubilee Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, "The Origin of Elements and Their Evolution in Galaxies" (9.12) |
8.5-9 | Lijiang, China | SOC & Invited talk at Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae, "Constraining SNIa progenitors from galactic chemical evolution" (8.9) |
8.1 | Promoted to Reader in Astrophysics (equivalent to Associate Professor) | |
7.22-26 | Herts | Postdoc visiting |
7.16-18 | Barcelona | Talk at WEAVE Galactic Archaeology Science Team Meeting, "Mn, Ni, Ba, Euin the Milky Way and Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies" (7.16) |
7.2-5 | Kyoto | Invited Talk at The 15th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies, "State-of-the-art of chemodynamical simulations: The origin of elements and their evolution in galaxies" (7.5) |
7.1-2 | Lancaster | SOC & Invited talk at NAM parallel session: Bridging the Disciplines of Galactic and Extragalactic Archaeology, "Chemodynamical simulations of the Milky Way, early-type galaxies, and high-redshift star-forming galaxies" (7.2); also talk "Stellar origin of SMBHs in cosmological simulations" (7.1) |
6.3-7 | Viana do Castelo, Portugal | IAU Symposium 352, Uncovering early galaxy evolution in the ALMA and JWST era |
5.6-10 | Leiden | SOC of Lorentz Center workshop: Metals in galaxies, near and far |
3.26-28 | Oxford | Oxford Gaia Sprint 2019 |
3.18-19 | Herts | New postdoc visiting |
3.4-8 | Cancelled - Invited Talk at Aspen Winter Conference Into The Starlight:The End Of The Cosmic Dark Ages | |
2.8 | Munich | Invited Talk at Nucleosynthesis for a Life - A symposium in honour of R. Diehl, "Chemical Enrichment of the Universe" |
1.21 | Oxford | Invited colloquium talk at Oxford Astrophysics |
1.17-18 | Herts | Invited Lecture at GRADnet Workshop, The Interface between Observation and Theory in Astrophysics, "Interpreting the Universe both near and far with cosmological simulations" (1.18) |
2018 | ||
12.27-1.15 | Kashiwa | visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
12.3-7 | Kashiwa | Invited talk at IPMU workshop: Stellar Archaeology as a Time Machine to the First Stars, "Galactic and cosmic chemical evolution from Carbon to Uranium" (12.7) |
11.30 | Heidelberg | COST ChETEC workshop |
11.26-29 | Heidelberg | Talk at Chemical Evolution and Nucleosynthesis across the Galaxy, "Galactic chemical evolution of neutron capture elements" (11.28) |
11.5-9 | Cancelled - Invited to workshop: Gas Fuelling of Galaxy Structures Across Cosmic Time | |
9.20-21 | Hull | Invited review at BRIDGCE network meeting, "Overview: Galactic Chemical Evolution" (9.20) |
9.1-6 | Budapest | visiting |
8.20-23 | Vienna | IAU General Assembly. Invited talk at S343, Why Galaxies Care About AGB Stars, "The role of AGB stars in Galactic and cosmic chemical enrichment" (8.23). Talk at FM11, JWST: Launch, Commissioning, and Cycle 1 Science, "Elemental Abundances at Cosmic Time" (8.21) |
7.17-8.1 | Munich | visiting MPA, seminar talk at stellar group (7.25) |
7.11-12 | Oxford | Planets, Stars and Discs: A Golden Age for Particle and Gas Dynamics |
7.5-6 | Oxford | Rudolf Peierls Symposium on Theoretical Physics |
6.29 | Herts | Talk at Annual Learning and Teaching conference, "Replicating traditional paper based multiple choice testing with Canvas quiz functionality" |
6.25-29 | Poster "Scientists Who Made Nuclear Astrophysics" at 15th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos NIC-XV | |
6.19-20 | Oxford | Wetton Workshop, Planning for Surprises - Data Driven Discovery in the era of Large Data |
5.26-6.1 | SOC & invited to TDLI Workshop on The Exploding Universe (not attended) | |
4.9-13, 30-5.4 | Munich | MIAPP workshop: The Interstellar Medium of High Redshift Galaxies |
3.28-4.5 | Kashiwa | visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
3.14-16 | Vilnius, Lithuania | COST ChETEC WG3 workshop |
2.15 | Guildford | Invited colloquium talk at University of Surrey |
2.5-9 | Leiden | Lorentz Center workshop: Observational Signatures of Type Ia Supernova Progenitors III, talk (2.7) |
2017 | ||
12.12 | Portsmouth | PhD examinar |
11.20-24 | Prato | Invited talk at Titans of the Early Universe, "Constraints from chemical evolution" (11.23) |
11.13-17 | Melbourne | Invited review at A Celebration of CEMP and Gala of GALAH, "Galactic Chemical Evolution", "Galactic Chemical Evolution and Chemo-dynamical Simulations" (11.16) |
11.10 | Melbourne | Colloquium talk at Swinbrune University |
11.9 | Canberra | Colloquium talk at RSAA |
10.9-11 | Keele | COST ChETEC meeting |
9.27 | Mitaka | キャリア支援パネル講演 |
9.18-29 | Kashiwa | Co-chair SOC of IPMU conference: Stellar Evolution, Supernova and Nucleosynthesis Across Cosmic Time, talk (9.29) |
9.5-6 | SOC of BRIDGCE network meeting (not attended) | |
8.28-9.1 | Florence | Talk at Challenges in Galaxy Evolution: from black holes to the cosmic web, "Cosmic Chemical Enrichment and AGN-driven metal-enhanced winds" (8.29) |
7.24-28 | Munich | Talk at The galaxy ecosystem. Flow of baryons through galaxies, "Enrichment and ejection of gas in cosmological simulations" (7.26) |
7.21 | Cambridge | Collaborative visit |
7.4 | SOC and invited talk at NAM parallel session: Galactic Chemical Evolution, Stars, and the Creation of Elements in the Big-Data Era (attended via Skype), "Galactic Chemical Evolution Modelling" | |
6.26 | Herts | LSST UK Milky Way meeting |
6.19 | Cambridge | Collaborative meeting |
6 | US | Panel meeting |
5.15-26 | Munich | MIAPP workshop: Superluminous Supernovae in the Next Decade, talk "Super-luminous Supernovae in galactic chemical evolution" (5.18) |
4.18 | Rome | Invited colloquium talk at INAF, Italy |
3.27-31 | SOC of conference on The AGB-Supernovae Mass Transition (not attended) | |
3.14 | Oxford | The Physics of Fine-Tuning workshop |
3.13-17 | Cancelled - Talk at Galaxy Halo Conference | |
2.3-6 | Tokyo | 100th birthday of grandmother |
2016 | ||
12.19-1.13 | Kashiwa | visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
12.8 | Nature News & Views "Elemental abundances across cosmic time" published | |
12.8 | Sussex | Invited colloquium talk at University of Sussex |
11.18-29 | Canberra | Talk at Galactic Archaeology and Stellar Physics conference, "Going into the details - Galactic Chemical Evolution with new supernova models, neutron capture elements, etc." (11.25) |
11.4-10 | Kashiwa | visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
10.24-28 | Venice | Talk at Galaxy Life Cycle, "Metal flows as the key factor of galaxy life-cycle" (10.25) |
9.29-10.1 | Basel | Invited talk at Brainstorming on Compact objects, their equation of state, related explosive events, and their nucleosynthesis, "Constraints from galactic chemical evolution" (9.30) |
9.19-21 | Porto Alegre, Brazil | Invited Lecture course at Precision Spectroscopy 2016, Day 1. Nucleosynthesis of massive stars and supernovae, Day 2. Chemical evolution of the Milky Way, Day 3. Cosmic chemical evolution |
9.16 | Sao Paolo | Invited colloquium talk at University of Sao Paolo, Brazil |
9.8 | Oxford | The Physics of Fine-Tuning workshop |
9.7 | Keele | Invited talk at BRIDGCE network meeting, ``Galactic Chemical Evolution overview'' |
8.21-9.2 | Munich | MIAPP workshop: The Physics of Supernovae, review talk "Type Ia supernovae and Galactic Chemical Evolution" (9.2) |
7.30-8.6 | Heidelberg | SOC of The First Stars conference |
7.8-14 | Kashiwa | visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
6.25-30 | Kashiwa | visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher, talk on 6.28 |
6.13-16 | Heidelberg | visiting LSW, seminar talk on 6.14, short talk on 6.15 |
5.26-6.3 | Kashiwa | visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
4.29-5.5 | Kashiwa | visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
3.26-4.2 | Kashiwa | visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
2.1-5 | Melbourne | Invited review at EC-SN/Super-AGB star workshop, "Chemical evolution models and chemodynamical simulations for understanding super-AGB stars and various supernovae" (2.5) |
1.20-21 | Paris | Talk at WEAVE Galactic Archaeology Science Team Meeting, "Two theoretical approaches - Chemodynamical Simulations & Abundance Fitting" (1.20) |
2015 | ||
12.23-25 | Osaka | Invited talk at 理論懇, "Galactic Archaeology" (12.23) |
12.20-1.13 | Kashiwa | visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
12.3 | Bologna | Invited colloquium talk at INAF |
11.12 | Basel | Invited colloquium talk at University of Basel, Switzerland |
10.15 | Portsmouth | Invited colloquium talk at University of Portsmouth |
10.15 | Cambridge | Invited talk at DiRAC Science Day, "Chemodynamical simulations of galaxies" |
9.24-25 | Oxford | RAMSES users meeting |
9.17-21 | Kashiwa | visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
8.3-14 | Honolulu | IAU General Assembly. Invited talk at FM 10: Stellar Explosions in an Ever-Changing Environment, "Modeling abundances in galaxies" (8.12), and talk at S317: The General Assembly of Galaxy Halos: Structure, Origin and Evolution, "Inhomogeneous chemical enrichment in the Galactic Halo" (8.4) |
7.12-22 | Kashiwa | visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
6.29-7.3 | Leiden | Talk at Lorentz Center workshop: The Impact of Massive Binaries Throughout the Universe, "Cosmic feedback from binaries: hypernovae and Type Ia supernovae" (7.2) |
6.22-24 | Liverpool | Talk at Fireworks meeting, "Subclasses of Type Ia Supernovae as the origin of [alpha/Fe] ratios in dwarf spheroidal galaxies" (6.23) |
6.10 | Oxford | SPI-MAX seminar talk |
6.1-5 | SOC of Fifty-One Erg Supernova Conference (not attended) | |
5.25-29 | Victoria | Invited review at GNASH workshop: The anomalous metal-poor stars and convective-reactive nuclear astrophysics, "Setting the stage: Galactic chemical evolution" (5.26) |
5.18-22 | York | Talk at 7th Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics Conference, "Subclasses of Type Ia Supernovae as the origin of [alpha/Fe] ratios in dwarf spheroidal galaxies" (5.19) |
5.13 | Trieste | Invited colloquium talk at Univ. of Trieste, Italy |
4.17-19 | Oxford | Public Lecture at Oxford University Department for Continuing Education on "Galaxies and Cosmic Evolution" |
4.13-14 | Oxford | 2nd Wetton Workshop, Realising the Astronomy of the Future: Simulating the Universe |
3.31 | Herts | End of sabbatical |
3.31 | Iax paper accepted astro-ph/1503.06739 | |
3.26 | Melbourne | Colloquium talk at University of Melbourne |
3.20 | Sydney | Colloquium talk at University of Sydney |
3.10 | Perth | Colloquium talk at UWA |
3.4 | Melbourne | Colloquium talk at Swinburne University |
2.27 | Canberra | FoF seminar talk at RSAA |
2.9-12 | Sydney | talk at AAO conference Massive Galaxies and their Precursors, "Massive galaxies in cosmological simulations with a new AGN model" (2.12) |
1.15 | Sydney | Colloquium talk at AAO |
1.2-8 | Kashiwa | visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
2014 | ||
12.31-1.1 | Sydney | New year |
12.12,15 | Canberra | talk at Mini-workshop on Theoretical aspects of AGN Feedback, "Importance of AGN feedback in galaxy formation" (12.12) |
12.2 | Melbourne | talk at SAMI meeting, "Metallicity Gradients in Chemodynamical Simulations" |
11.15-20 | Kashiwa | visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
11.5 | Canberra | Colloquium talk at RSAA |
11.4-12.16 | Canberra | PhD student visiting |
10.8-15.4.7 | Canberra | Sabbatical to be RSAA Distinguished Visitor |
9.28 | Ishigaki | holiday |
9.15-19 | Chicago | invited talk at Type Ia Supernovae: progenitors, explosions, and cosmology, "Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae and Chemical Evolution of Galaxies" (9.18) |
9.11-12 | Lund | seminar talk at Lund Observatory (9.11) |
9.1-5 | Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia | invited talk at Binary systems, their evolution and environments, "The role of binaries in the chemical evolution of galaxies" (9.2) |
7.21-25 | Oxford | conference "Galaxy Masses as Constraints of Formation Models" |
7.7-11 | Debrecen | invited talk at NIC XIII conference, "Inhomogeneous enrichment in chemodynamical simulations of galaxies" (7.10) |
7.4-7 | Marseilles | seminar talk at Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM) (7.4) |
5.24-6.2 | Palm Cove | talk at Overcoming Great Barriers in Galactic Archaeology 2, "On the Origin of variation in elemental abundance ratios" (5.27) |
5.15-19 | Heidelberg | seminar talk at ZAH, University of Heidelberg (5.15) |
4.5-21 | Kashiwa | Easter holiday, visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
3.19 | Liverpool | discussion |
3.14 | London | talk at Royal Astronomical Society meeting: Supernovae in near and far, "The role of supernovae on chemical evolution of galaxies" |
3.7 | EMP paper accepted astro-ph/1403.1796 | |
2.26-27 | Armagh | seminar talk at Armagh Observatory (2.27) |
2.17-20 | Munich | visiting MPA, talk at cosmology seminar (2.18) |
2.14 | London | Royal Astronomical Society meeting: Nucleosynthesis - Origins and Impacts |
1.30-31 | Cambridge | seminar talk at IoA (1.30) |
1.24 | Herts | lunch seminar talk |
1.23 | Dorking | seminar talk at MSSL |
2013 | ||
12.27-1.19 | Kashiwa | NY holiday, visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
12.16-19 | Paris | seminar talk at Observatoire de Paris (12.17) |
12.6 | London | Organizing "UK-Japan 150 year anniversary, Science, Technology and Innovation Symposium - Astronomy & Space Science", Embassy of Japan |
11.27 | Keele | seminar talk at Keele |
10.12-16 | Kashiwa | visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
9.16-20 | Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy | Invited Talk at Chemical evolution in the Universe: the next 30 years, "From chemical evolution models to chemodynamical simulations" (9.18) |
8.31-9.10 | Mediterranean | holiday |
7.22-8.1 | Ishigaki | holiday |
7.14-15 | Zurich | seminar talk (7.15) at ETH |
7.8-12 | Turku, Finland | SOC of special session: Chemo-dynamical Galaxy Evolution at EWASS, talk "Chemodynamical Simulations and Galactic Archaeology" (7.12), and Symposium S11: Gaia Research for European Astronomy Training, talk "Stellar populations in disks and bulge in chemo-hydrodynamical simulations & inhomogeneous enrichment" (7.11) |
7.3 | ARAA published ADS | |
7.1-5 | St Andrews | SOC of NAM parallel session: Galaxy Chemistry: From Micro- to Macro-Physics, invited talk "Chemodynamical Simulations of Galaxies" (7.1) |
6.27-28 | Oxford | Fireworks workshop |
6.16-26 | Arctic | holiday |
6.12-15 | Barcelona, Spain | ESF/EuroGenesis Workshop, The Origin of Cosmic Elements - Past and Present Achievements, Future Challenges, talk "Future challenges of Galactic chemical evolution" (6.14) |
6.10 | Herts | CAR away day |
5.20-24 | Lijiang, China | Invited Review at IAU Symposium 298: Setting the Scene for GAIA and LAMOST, "Chemo-hydro-dynamical models of the Milky Way disks and bulge - successes, shortcoming, and prospects" (5.23) |
5.13-17 | North Carolina, US | Invited Talk at F.O.E. Fifty-One Erg conference, "Constraints on supernovae from Chemodynamical simulations of galaxies" (5.16) |
4.29-5.2 | Geneve | seminar talk (4.30) at Observatoire de Sauverny |
4.17 | Herts | short talk at EGG seminar |
3.30-4.14 | Kashiwa | Easter holiday, visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
3.23-28 | Munich | Invited Talk at ESF/EuroGenesis Workshop, Observational Constraints on Nucleosynthesis Sources, "Chemo-hydro-dynamical simulations of Milky Way" (3.27) |
3.15 | Oxford | Dust mini-workshop |
3.13-14 | Liverpool | seminar talk (3.13) at The University of Liverpool |
2.26-3.3 | Kashiwa | Visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
2012 | ||
12.26 | 大岡山 | Lecture at 東工大 |
12.18-1.20 | Kashiwa | NY holiday, visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
12.2-3 | Groningen | seminar talk (12.3) at Kapteyn Instituut |
11.28-29 | Belfast | seminar talk (11.28) at Queen's University and Public Talk at Irish Astronomical Association |
11.21-25 | Wien | seminar talk (11.22) at Univ. of Vienna |
11.16-18 | Kashiwa | collaboration at IPMU |
11.9 | Herts | lunch seminar talk, Chemodynamical simulations of galaxies - Part 1: Inhomogeneous Enrichment |
10.8-10 | Detroit, US | Invited Review at Nuclear Astrophysics Town Meeting, "Galactic Chemical Evolution" (10.9) |
9.6 | Herts | Invited Skype Talk at 天の川銀河研究会 @ 鹿児島大学, "銀河系の化学力学進化" (9.6-8) |
8.15 | Canberra | Supernova Workshop, talk "SNe and chemical evolution" |
8.5-10 | Cairns | LOC Co-chiar of 12th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC) |
7.29-8.3 | Canberra | Invited Lecture at NIC School "Chemical Evolution" and "Chemodynamical Simulations" (8.3) |
7.23-27 | Sydney | Invited Talk at AAO Conference, Galactic Archaeology Surveys: Past, Present and Future, "Theoretical constraints on chemical evolution -Galaxy Formation & Stellar Astrophysics- of the Milky Way" (7.25) |
6.25-29 | Paris | SOC&LOC Co-chair of IAP/Subaru Conference: Stellar Populations across Cosmic Times, invited talk "Chemodynamical Simulations of galaxies" (6.29) |
6.17-22 | Spineto, Italy | Invited Talk at Metals in Tuscany 12: Galaxy metallicity through Cosmic Times, "Chemical Evolution in models of galaxy formation -Chemodynamical Simulations of galaxies-" (6.19) |
6 | Nagoya | Seminar Talk (6.13) and Lecture "Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis", "Chemical Evolution of Galaxies", and "Chemodynamical Simulations" (6.13-15) at 名大 |
4.25 | Birmingham | seminar talk at Univ. of Birmingham |
4.19-21 | Oxford | Fireworks workshop |
4 | Kashiwa | Easter holiday, visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
3.19 | London | seminar talk at UCL |
2.29-3.3 | Barcelona | Invited Talk at GAIA workshop, "Chemodynamical simulations and stellar yields" (3.2) |
1.10 | Hongo | Colloquium Talk "Galactic Archaeology 2" at Department of Astronomy, Univ. of Tokyo |
1.7-13 | Kashiwa | Visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
2011 | ||
12.6-9 | Preston | seminar talk (12.7) at University of Central Lancashire |
11.14-17 | Wako | Invited Talk at 11th International Symposium, Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies, "Inhomogeneous Chemical Enrichment of the Universe" (11.15) |
11.1-4 | Shuzenji | Invited Talk at 3rd Subaru International Conference, Galactic Archaeology, "Elemental and isotopic abundances and chemical evolution of galaxies" (11.2) |
10.9 | UK | Moved to the UK as Senior Lecturer at University of Hertfordshire |
10.1 | Canberra | Last Sushi Party |
9.30 | Canberra | Talk at FoF seminar "3.5 years of my life in Australia" |
8.21-9.6 | Aspen, US | Aspen Workshop: The Galactic Bulge and Bar |
8.16 | Canberra | Talk at Stellar Lunch "Chemical enrichment in small systems?" |
8.15 | F paper accepted astro-ph/1108.3030 | |
7.31-8.6 | Cafayate, Salta, Argentina | Frenk&White Fest: Galaxies in the Dark, talk "Chemical Enrichment of Galaxies" (8.3) |
7.24-27 | Munich | Visiting MPA |
7.18-22 | Durham, UK | Conference on Galaxy Formation, talk "Chemodynamical simulations of the Milky Way Galaxy" (7.19) |
6.29 | Canberra | Public Talk at 日本人会のランチタイムトーク |
6.20-24 | Sydney | Invited review at AAO Conference: Supernovae and their Host Galaxies, "chemical enrichment of galaxies from supernovae" (6.21) |
6.5-17 | Oxford | Visiting; SPI-MAX seminar talk (6.14) |
6.3 | Canberra | NIC LOC meeting |
5.26-28 | Melbourne | driving Great Ocean Road |
5.3-13 | Exmouth | Holiday: diving in Exmouth |
4.24 | Canberra | Easter |
4.13-15 | Canberra | 6th Stromlo Symposium on IFU Science in Australia, talk "3D Metallicity Distribution in elliptical and disk galaxies" (4.14) |
3.8 | Hertfordshire, UK | Seminar Talk |
3.1 | AGB paper accepted astro-ph/1102.5312 | |
2.26-3.31 | Kashiwa | Visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
2.14-15 | Perth | ANITA Workshop and diving in Rottnest Island |
2.11 | TV NHK BS「BSフジ ガリレオX」出演 | |
1.28 | Canberra | Talk at FoF seminar "Chemodynamical simulations of elliptical galaxies - metallicity gradients and the fundamental plane" |
1.25-2.22 | Canberra | Visiting PhD Student Natsuko Izutani |
1.17 | DLA paper accepted astro-ph/1101.1227 | |
1.13 | Sydney | AAO seminar talk "Chemodynamical simulations of elliptical galaxies - metallicity gradients and the fundamental plane" |
1.7 | DLA paper submitted astro-ph/1101.1227 | |
2010 | ||
12-27.27-1.1 | NSW | Holiday: Mildura, Broken Hill, White Cliffs, Dubbo, Sydney |
12.23 | MW paper accepted astro-ph/1012.5144 | |
12.18-19 | Kioloa | Christmas Party at Beach |
12.14 | Canberra | Committee |
12.4-6 | Sydney | Visiting AAO for collaboration |
11.23 | Canberra | Talk at Stellar Lunch "Carbon-enhanced Metal Poor Galaxy" |
11.1-3 | Melbourne | LOC of ANNA Workshop, NIC LOC meeting, two talks... |
9.26-29 | Sydney | HERMES Meeting |
9.20-24 | Barcelona | Visiting |
9.15-20 | Madrid | Invited talk at H-Metal Workshop (9.16-17), "Yields" (9.16) |
9.2 | Canberra | RSAA Colloquium Talk "Galactic Archaeology with Chemodynamical Simulations" |
8.27-28 | Sydney | Visiting AAO for collaboration |
7.29-30 | Oxford | FMOS meeting |
7.19-23 | Heidelberg | 11th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC) |
7.12-17 | Cambridge | Visiting |
6.28-7.2 | Paris | IAP Conference: Progenitors and environments of stellar explosions, talk "Progenitors of Type Ia Supernova and Chemodynamical Evolution of Galaxies" (7.2) |
6.2-9 | Cairns | Meeting and diving trip to Osprey Reef |
5.10-14 | Ringberg | Invited talk at The Chemical Enrichment of the Milky Way Galaxy, "Chemodynamical simulations of the Milky Way galaxy" (5.14) |
5.3-4 | Munich | Aquila meeting |
4.28 | Canberra | WiFeS Data Reduction Workshop |
4.11-17 | Namibia | Invited review at Ken Freeman Conference, "Chemo-dynamical simulations of galaxies" (4.15) |
4.4 | Canberra | Easter |
3.26 | Canberra | Talk at FoF seminar "State-of-the-art of theoretical astrophysics" |
3.24 | Melbourne | gSTAR meeting |
2.26-3.11 | Osaka | Invited talk at 10th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of the Galaxies (3.8-10), "Chemo-dynamical Simulations and Galactic Archaeology" (3.8), visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
2.25 | Sydney | HERMES meeting at AAO |
2.8-24 | Oxford | Visiting |
1.25-31 | Christchurch, New Zealand | 10th Torino Workshop on AGB Nucleosynthesis: from Rutherford to Beatrice Tinsley and Beyond, talk "Chemo-dynamical simulations of galaxies" (1.25) |
1.21-24 | Melbourne | Lecture at Monash Summer School (1.22) |
1.14-17 | Sydney | Committee and opera |
1.13 | Canberra | Lecture at Stromlo Summer School |
1.9-10 | Kioloa | Beach |
2009 | ||
12.26-1.5 | NT | Holiday: Adelaide, Alice Springs, Katherine, Darwin, Ayers Rock |
12.22-23 | Kioloa | Christmas Party at Beach |
12.17 | Sydney | Committee |
11.23-12.6 | Kashiwa | Visiting IPMU as Appointed Researcher |
11.20-22 | Cairns | Diving in GBR |
10.30 | SNIa paper accepted astro-ph/0801.0215 | |
10.16-11.3 | Malta | Conference: Hunting for the dark, talk "Variable IMF" (10.20) |
9.17-18 | Melbourne | gSTAR Meeting |
9.8-9 | Sydney | Driving and opera |
8.31 | Canberra | GMTIFS meeting |
8.24-25 | Canberra | LOC of ANNA Conference: Nuclear Astrophysics in Australia, talk "Chemodynamical evolution of Galaxies and the Universe" (8.24) |
8.15-21 | Peru | Holiday: Benos Ares, Rio de Janeiro, Lima, Nazca Lines, Cuzco, Machu Pichu, Santiago |
8.10-14 | Brazil | SOC & Invited talk of Symposium "Chemical Abundances in the Universe: Connecting first stars to Planets" at IAU General Assembly on "Chemo-dynamical simulations of galaxies" (8.14) |
8.6-7 | Brazil | SOC & Invited talk of Joint Discussion "Hot Interstellar Matter in Elliptical Galaxies" at IAU General Assembly on "Numerical Simulations of Elliptical Galaxies" (8.6) |
7.28 | Canberra | Talk at Galaxy Lunch |
7.8 | Canberra | WiFeS group meeting |
7.3 | Oxford | High-z galaxy Seminar Talk (7.3) |
6.22-23 | Oxford | FMOS Meeting |
6.11-7.3 | Munich | Visiting MPA; SAGA Seminar Talk (7.1) |
5.18-21 | Kyoto | Joint Subaru/Gemini Science Conference, talk "Galactic Archaeology and chemodynamical simulations" (5.19) |
5.10-12 | Cairns | Diving in GBR |
5.5-8 | Palm Cove | Invited talk at AAO Conference: Overcoming Great Barriers in Galactic Archaeology, "Chemodynamical simulations of the Milky Way Galaxy" (5.5) |
4.29-5.1 | Canberra | Visiting PhD Student Max Spolaor |
4.5-14 | Brisbane | Holiday: Hervey bay, Fraser Island, Brisbane, Gold Coast |
4.4 | Canberra | Sushi Party |
3.31 | Canberra | Talk at Stellar Lunch "The chemical evolution with Amanda's AGB yields" |
3.15 | Jervis Bay | Driving |
3.13-14 | Canberra | ANITA workshop |
3.2-8 | Melbourne | Colloquium Talk at Monash University (3.3) |
2.5-21 | Canberra | Visitor Dr Ryuichi Takahashi |
1.18-31 | Canberra | Visiting PhD Student Max Spolaor |
2008 | ||
12.20-1.9 | Holiday | |
12.19 | Mitaka | Seminar Talk at Galaxyshop, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan |
12.18 | Hongo | Colloquium Talk at Astronomy Department, Univ. of Tokyo |
12.15-17 | Mitaka | Rironkon Symposium & CfCA Users Meeting |
12.14 | Hongo | Public Talk at Science Cafe, Univ. of Tokyo (12.14) |
12.7 | Batemans Bay | Driving |
11.14 | Sydney | GMT Meeting at Sydney Uni |
10.19-28 | Holiday | |
10.15-11.6 | Canberra | Visitor Dr. Nozomu Tominaga |
9.12-18 | Sydney | Colloquium Talk at University of Sydney (9.15) and HERMES meeting (9.15,16,18) 初 Sydney Opera (9.13) |
9.3-9 | Tucson, US | WFMOS Team Meeting (9.4-5) |
8.26 | Canberra | Talk at Galaxy Lunch |
8.24 | Sydney | Driving to Sydney 母と祖母がきてたので |
8.20-21 | Sydney | HERMES Meeting at AAO (8.21) |
8.13-19 | Tasmania | Holiday: Hobert, Port Arthur, Cradle Mountain, The Nut, Freycinet |
7.27-8.1 | Mackinac Island, Michigan, USA | Invited talk at 10th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC), "Chemodynamical Simulations of Galaxies and the Universe" (7.31) |
7.21-25 | Munich, Germany | MPA/ESO/MPE/USM Conference: Chemical Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies and Stellar Clusters, talk "Chemical Evolution with New Nucleosynthesis Yields and Type Ia Supernova Rates" (7.24) |
7.6-10 | Perth | Invited talk at Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) of the Astronomical Society of Australia (ASA), "Simulations of Cosmic Chemical Enrichment" (7.1) |
6.30-7.2 | Melbourne | Colloquium Talk at Swinburne University (7.1) |
6.15-20 | Katoomba | AAO Conference, Merging Black Holes in Galaxies: Galaxy Evolution, AGN and Gravitational Waves, talk "Chemodynamical simulations of elliptical galaxies" (6.17) |
6.9-13 | Copenhagen, Denmark | IAU Symposium 254 The Galaxy Disk in Cosmological Context, talk "Chemodynamical simulations of the Milky Way Galaxy" (6.12) |
5.24-28 | Honolulu, Hawaii | Seminar Talk at Univ. of Hawaii (5.27) |
5.19-21 | Waikoloa, Hawaii | Conference: Cosmology Near and Far: Science with WFMOS, talk "Chemodynamical Simulation of the Milky Way Galaxy for Galactic Archaeology" (5.19) |
5.16 | Canberra | Warm-up Party |
5.15 | Canberra | RSAA Colloquium Talk "Elemental Abundances in the Universe" |
4.20-21 | Sydney | Driving to Sydney |
4.3 | Canberra, Australia | Moved to Mt. Stromlo Observatory (MSO), The Australian National University (ANU) as Stromlo Fellow (5 years) |
3.24-27 | 代々木 | 日本天文学会にて発表。R41a「化学力学進化シミュレーションによる宇宙の超新星・ガンマ線バースト頻度史」(3.27) A26c「化学力学進化シミュレーションによる楕円銀河の形成説」 |
3.21-22 | 本郷 | 宇宙構造形成の理論研究とその進展 |
3.18 | 本郷 | 観測的宇宙論ゼミで発表 |
3.11-12 | 柏 | IPMU Opening Symposium |
3.6 | 京都 | 基礎物理学研究所でセミナー発表 |
2.26 | 名古屋 | 名大AT研でセミナー発表 |
2.14 | 天文月報3月号「銀河の化学力学進化シミュレーション」完成 | |
2.13-15 | 三鷹 | 招待講演 at 銀河形成研究の最前線:『自称』若手研究者のビジョン「銀河の化学力学進化シミュレーション」(2.14) |
2.4 | 三鷹 | NAOJ/IoA/PU workshop |
1.31 | 三鷹 | すばるユーザーズミーティング |
1.21-23 | 大岡山 | ガンマ線バーストで読み解く太古の宇宙「ガンマ線バースト頻度史とホスト銀河の性質」(1.23) |
1.17 | Canberra | RSAA Colloquiumで発表「Supernova Feedback and Chemodynamical Simulations of Galaxies」 |
1.16 | 三鷹 | 理論部 コロキウム 発表、どうしよう… |
1.14 | Sydney | AAO Colloquiumで発表 |
1.8-22 | Cairns | 論文投稿した勢いで、休暇&出張でオーストラリア。GBRダイビング! |
1.7-8 | 三鷹 | 理論部、引越 |
2007 | ||
12.25-27 | 京都 | 理論天文学宇宙物理学懇談会にて発表「化学組成に関する未解決問題」(12.26) |
12.11-15 | 葉山 | すばる国際会議にてポスター発表「Simulations of Cosmic Chemical Enrichment」 |
11.22 | 三鷹 | HDS セミナー 発表「Ia型超新星の新モデルと銀河系の化学進化」 |
11.9-11 | 箱根 | クェーサー吸収線研究会「クェーサー吸収線系の化学組成」(11.10) |
10.24 | 集録「Chemodynamical Evolution of Galaxies with Hypernovae」in IAU Symposium 245: Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges | |
10.21 | 渋谷 | LA-PPISCH復活ライブ! |
10.18 | 三鷹 | 天文センター 談話会 発表「Ia型超新星の新モデルと宇宙の超新星頻度史」 |
10.10-11 | 野辺山 | Extended Galshop 発表「化学力学進化シミュレーションによる遠方銀河の姿、とくに化学組成」(10.11) |
9.29-30 | 伊勢 | 研究会暗黒物質と銀河構造「銀河のinitial mass function: MACHO=白色矮星はあり得るか?」(9.29) |
9.26-28 | 岐阜 | 日本天文学会。トーク申し込み損ねた。冨永くんの代理発表(9.28)。 |
9.26 | 岩波講座 物理の世界「元素はいかにつくられたか−超新星爆発と宇宙の化学進化−」野本憲一編, 第8章執筆 | |
9.20-21 | 本郷 | SNIa Workshop with REで発表(9.21) |
9.19-20 | 三鷹 | アストロメトリ研究会 |
9.12 | 三鷹 | TMT装置検討会 |
9.9 | 駒場 | 劇団BISHOP同窓会 |
8.17 | Munich | high energy seminarで発表 |
7.16-20 | Oxford | IAU Symposium 245: Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges にて発表(7.16)「Chemodynamical Evolution of Galaxies with Hypernovae」 |
7.3-8.21 | Munich | ドイツ出張 |
6.23-30 | 石垣 | ダイビング!沖縄は7度目 |
6.13 | Cambridge | Lunch Seminarで発表 |
6.7 | Oxford | Galaxy Evolution Seminarで発表 |
6.6 | Oxford | Stellar Coffeeで発表 |
6.2-21 | London | イギリス出張 |
5.29-6.1 | 三鷹 | 理論部、プレハブに引越 |
5.28 | 環八 | 理研出張の後、追突事故にあう |
5.23-24 | 札幌 | 北大でセミナー発表2日 |
5.18 | 三鷹 | Hyper Suprime Cam 研究会でなんか座長やらされた… |
5.11 | 相模原 | 宇宙研でセミナー発表 |
4.29-30 | 富士山 | 花見 |
3.28-30 | 平塚 | 日本天文学会にて発表。N04a「極超新星の元素合成と銀河系および宇宙の化学進化」(3.30) |
3.4-25 | Santa Barbara | KITP Program: Accretion and Explosion: the Astrophysics of Degenerate Stars で滞在。 Paths to Exploding Stars: Accretion and Eruption にてポスター発表(3.19-23)「Type Ia Progenitors, Elemental Abundances Ratios, and Cosmic Supernova Rate History」 |
2.7-9 | 本郷 | International Symposium on Neutrino Processes and Stellar Evolution |
2.1-3 | 本郷 | 超新星を舞台とする高エネルギー物理現象 で発表(2.2)「宇宙の化学力学進化シミュレーションによるGRB頻度史」 |
1.27 | 論文受理「Simulations of Cosmic Chemical Enrichment」MNRAS, in press, astro-ph/0604107 | |
1.16-18 | 京都 | GRBの新しいフロンティア で発表(1.16)「宇宙の化学力学進化シミュレーションによるGRB頻度史」 |
2006 | ||
12.29 | 四谷 | 桜蔭同窓会 |
12.25-27 | 池袋 | 理論天文学宇宙物理学懇談会 |
12.22 | 池袋 | 立教大学でセミナー発表 |
12.21 | 三鷹 | 宇宙論セミナーで発表、HN yield |
12.4-8 | 京都 | The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Eraでポスター発表「Type Ia Progenitors, Elemental Abundances Ratios」 |
11.30 | 本郷 | 元ボス還暦パーティ |
11.23 | 集録「GRAPE-SPH Simulations of Galaxies: form Ellipticals to Milky Way Galaxy」in 石垣島研究会 | |
11.20 | 集録「Simulations of Cosmic Chemical Enrichment with Hypernova」Proceedings of the CRAL-Conference Series I "Chemodynamics: from first stars to local galaxies", eds. Emsellem et al. | |
11.18 | 品川 | 小学校クラス会 |
11.9-10 | 本郷 | Cosmology with wide-field photometric and spectroscopic galaxy surveys |
11.1 | 集録「Simulations of Cosmic Chemical Enrichment」in IAU Symposium 235 | |
9.26 | 名古屋 | 名古屋大学 物理学教室 理論天体物理学研究室で発表。銀河および宇宙の化学力学進化。 |
9.19-21 | 北九州 | 日本天文学会にて発表。R51a「SPHシミュレーションによる楕円銀河の色等級図・その1」(9.21) |
8.31 | 論文受理「Galactic chemical evolution: Carbon through Zinc」ApJ, in press, astro-ph/0608688 | |
8.14-18 | Prague, Czech | IAU General Assembly, S235 Galaxy Evolution across the Hubble Timeで発表(8.16)「Simulations of Cosmic Chemical Enrichment: Hypernova Feedback, Galactic Winds, and Mass-Metallicity Relations」 |
8.6-11 | Munich | MPA/ESO/MPE/USM Joint Astronomy Conference, Heating vs. Cooling in Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies |
7.26 | Munich | University Observatory Munich, Burkert's group にてセミナーで発表「Chemodynamical Simulations of Elliptical Galaxies」 |
7.10-14 | Lyon, France | CHEMODYNAMICS from first stars to local galaxies...で発表(7.13)「Simulations of Cosmic Chemical Enrichment with Hypernova」 |
7.6-8.23 | Munich | 出張。 |
6.26-30 | 石垣 | Mapping the Galaxy and Nearby Galaxiesでポスター発表「GRAPE-SPH simulations of galaxies: from Ellipticals to Milky Way Galaxy」 |
6.21 | 三鷹 | 理論部 コロキウムで発表。 |
6.17 | 北の丸 | Public Talk 科学技術館「ユニバース」でゲスト・トーク。 |
6.2-4 | 勝浦 | 祖母を温泉に連れていく。 |
5.26-27 | 三鷹 | Korea-Japan Workshop on GCSで発表(4.27)。「Metallicity Distribution Functions」 |
5.24 | 筑波 | 筑波大学 宇宙理論研究室で発表。 |
4.28-30 | 富士山 | 花見 |
4.26-27 | 三鷹 | WFMOS研究会で発表(4.27)。「銀河系の化学力学進化シミュレーション」 |
4.21 | 京都 | 京都大学 宇宙物理学教室で発表。 |
4.19 | 大阪 | 大阪大学 宇宙地球科学専攻で発表。 |
3.27-29 | 和歌山 | 日本天文学会にて発表。R07a「宇宙および銀河の化学力学進化と極超新星の寄与II」(3.28) |
3.18-19 | Tuebingen | 愛車との最後のドライブ。 |
2.24-3.24 | Munich | 出張。 |
2.20-22 | 三鷹 | 銀河系研究会2006。 |
2.14 | 三鷹 | Galaxy Workshop with AR で発表。 |
2.9 | 集録「Cosmological simulation with Hypernova Feedback」in WIHM研究会 | |
1.26 | 三鷹 | 天文センター談話会で発表。 |
1.11-13 | 三鷹 | 天文台計算センターユーザーズミーティングでポスター発表。 |
1.6-16 | ハワイ | すばる望遠鏡観測のため出張。Subaru seminar にて発表(1.13)。 |
2005 | ||
12.21-22 | 三鷹 | すばるユーザーズミーティング。 |
12.9 | 三鷹 | 国立天文台 談話会で発表。 |
12.8 | 三鷹 | 光赤外 HDS seminar で発表。Hypernova nucleosynthesis の話。 |
11.30 | 三鷹 | 光赤外 有本研 Galaxy Workshop で発表。 |
11.21-22 | 三鷹 | 理論部 中間発表会で発表(11.22)。 |
11.8-11 | 本郷 | International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies (OMEG05) で発表(11.9)。「Galactic and Cosmic Chemical Evolution with Hypernovae」 |
11.1 | 本郷 | 天文教室 談話会で発表。 |
10.20 | 三鷹 | 理論部 宇宙論セミナーで発表。 |
10.10-12 | 葉山 | Workshop on Measuring the Diffuse Intergalactic Medium で発表(10.11)。「Cosmological simulation with Hypernova Feedback」 |
10.6-8 | 札幌 | 日本天文学会にて発表。R90a「宇宙および銀河の化学力学進化と極超新星の寄与」(10.8) |
9.30 | 三鷹 | 3年半のドイツ生活を終え、帰国。学振研究員として国立天文台 理論研究部に移動。 |
9.27 | Munich | Last Sushi Party |
9.26 | Munich | Institute Seminar にて発表。「Simulating the Cosmic Chemical Enrichment」 |
9.1-5 | Wien | オペラ見つつ小旅行。 |
8.22-26 | Munich | MPA/ESO/MPE/USM Joint Astronomy Conference, Open Questions in Cosmology: the First Billion Years。 |
8.17-18 | Munich | ESO DLA Workshop にて発表(8.17)。 |
8.14 | Schwangau | Neuschwanstein 城に遠足、四度目。 |
8.8 | 集録「Galactic and Cosmic Chemical Evolution with Hypernovae」in IAU Symposium 228 | |
7.25-8.1 | Swiss | 母とスイス旅行。 |
7.20 | Munich | MPE Bender's group にてセミナー発表。 |
7.18-22 | Regensburg | Japanese-German Symposium 2005, The Formation and Co-Evolution of Black Holes and Galaxies にて発表(7.18)。「Supernova Feedback and Galaxy Formation」 |
7.6-10 | Copenhagen | 出張。 |
6.26-7.1 | Ringberg | MPA Workshop, From Simulations to Surveys にて発表(7.1)。「Simulating the Cosmic Chemical Enrichment」 |
5.31-6.11 | Trieste | Conference on Computational Cosmology にてポスター発表。「Supernova Feedback and Cosmic Chemical Enrichment」 Trieste 大学でセミナー発表(6.8)。 |
5.31 | 論文受理「GRAPE-SPH Chemodynamical Simulation of Elliptical Galaxies II: Scaling Relations and the Fundamental Plane」Kobayashi 2004, MNRAS | |
5.22-28 | Paris | IAU Symposium 228, From Lithium to Uranium: Elemental Tracers of Early Cosmic Evolution にて発表(5.25)。「Galactic and Cosmic Chemical Evolution with Hypernovae」 |
5.13-16 | Firenze | 同僚の結婚式のため。 |
5.7 | Noerdlingen | Noerdlingen に遠足。 |
4.23-25 | Dresden | ゲーテ街道走破し、ドレスデンに小旅行。 |
3.25-26 | Bamberg | 古都バンベルクに小旅行。 |
3.21 | Munich | 逆流事件、二度目。 |
3.15 | Munich | Cosmology Seminar にて発表。「Simulating the Cosmic Chemical Enrichment」 |
2.14-21 | Egypt | 二度目の紅海ダイビング旅行。 |
1.5 | Salzburg | Salzburg に遠足、二度目。 |
2004 | ||
11.20 | Augsburg | 南ドイツを遊覧飛行。 |
10.30-31 | Regensburg | レーゲンスブルクとニュルンベルクで教会巡り。近隣の町は征覇したー。 |
10.23 | Munich | Birthday Sushi Party 開催。 |
9.21-23 | 盛岡 |
日本天文学会にて発表。 R16b「楕円銀河のScaling RelationsとFundamental Plane」(9.21) A05a「銀河系の進化を化学的力学的に解明する」(9.22) |
9.18 | Stanberg | 同僚の結婚式。 |
9.11-16 | Leiden, Holland | RTN annual meeting, Physics of the Intergalactic Medium |
8.19-26 | Egypt | ついに念願の紅海ダイビング旅行。 |
7.10-8.1 | 東京 | 夏休み帰国して、劇団BISHOP復活公演「時空寺」の制作。 |
7.6 | Munich | 逆流事件。 |
7.2-3 | Rotenburg | 友人がきてロマンチック街道を走破。 |
6.18-20 | Heidelberg | 友人とハイデルベルグで城観光。 |
5.18 | Munich | Cosmology Seminar にて発表。論文紹介。 |
3.12-13 | Stubaier | オーストリアで氷河スキー。 |
2.24 | Munich | Fashing で仮装。 |
1.27 | 集録「Chemodynamical Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies: Metallicity Gradients and Scaling Relations」in the proceedings of GCD-V | |
1.11 | Prien | Herrenchiemsee に遠足。 |
2003 | ||
12.25 | Munich | Christmas SUKIYAKI Party 開催。 |
11.21-29 | 東京 | 親友の結婚式のため。 |
11.11 | Munich | ESO Lunch Talk にて発表「Chemodynamical Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies and the Origin of Metallicity Gradients」 |
10.27 | Munich | Institute Seminar にて発表「Type Ia Supernova Progenitors and Elemental Abundance Ratios」 |
10.25 | Munich | Birthday Sushi Party 開催。 |
10.6-10 | Munich | MPA/ESO/MPE conference, Stellar populations 2003。 |
10.3 | 論文受理「GRAPE-SPH Chemodynamical Simulation of Elliptical Galaxies I: Evolution of Metallicity Gradients」Kobayashi 2003, MNRAS | |
9.6-14 | Oleron, France | RTN annual meeting, The Physics of the Intergalactic Mediumにて発表(9.10)「Feedback and Chemical Enrichment in GADGET」 |
8.31-1 | Zurich, Switzerland | チューリッヒからリギ山への一泊遠足。 |
8.10 | Schwangau | Neuschwanstein 城に遠足。 |
7.6-8.6 | Australia & 東京 | GCD-V@Melbourne(7.10)「Chemodynamical Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies and the Origin of Metallicity Gradients」, IAU@Sydney(7.22)「Type Ia supernova progenitors and elemental abundance ratios」, のちCairnsと東京で休暇。 |
4.18-22 | Austria & Germany | イースター旅行は祖母とドイツアルプス&城旅行。 |
4.12 | Munich | Japanese Food Party 開催。 |
3.23 | Salzburg | Salzburg に遠足。 |
3.11 | Munich | Cosmology Seminar にて発表。論文紹介。 |
3.4 | 第五筆頭著者論文投稿。 | |
2.2 | Garmisch | アルプススキー。 |
1.10-19 | 東京 | 正月休みのかわり。 |
2002 | ||
12.29 | Schwangau | Neuschwanstein 城に遠足。 |
12.5 | Munich | MPE X-ray group の Seminar にて発表。SNIaと楕円銀河両方。 |
11.29-30 | Munich | UVES meetingにて発表(11.29)「Nucleosynthesis of Core-collapse Supernovae and Early Galactic Chemical Evolution」 |
10.21 | 集録「Type Ia Supernova Progenitors, Lifetime, and Cosmic Supernova Rate」in "From Twilight to Highlight: The Physics of Supernovae" | |
10.21 | 集録「Lifetime of Type Ia Supernovae and Chemical Evolution of Galaxies」in "Nuclei in the Cosmos VII" | |
10.17 | 集録「The Origin Of Elliptical Galaxies Inferred From Their Metallicity Gradients」in "The Evolution of Galaxies III. From Simple Approaches to Self-Consistent Models" | |
10.7-9 | 宮崎 |
日本天文学会にて発表(10.8)。 D03a「宇宙化学進化にIa型超新星が果す役割」 |
9.14-18 | Gargonza, Italy | RTN annual meeting, The Physics of the Intergalactic Mediumにて発表(9.16)「GRAPE-SPH Chemodynamical Simulation of Galaxies」 |
9.1-8 | アラスカ | 友人の葬式のため。 |
8.16 | Munich | 車を入手。 |
8.11-13 | Riviera, Italy | 降ってわいたイタリア海と城旅行。 |
7.29-30 | Munich | ESO/MPA/MPE Workshop, From Twilight to Highlight: The Physics of Supernovaeにてポスター発表「Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae and Galactic and Cosmic Chemical Evolution」 |
7.15-20 | Kiel, Germany | The Evolution of Galaxies III. From Simple Approaches to Self-Consistent Models にてポスター発表「The Origin of Elliptical Galaxies inferred from Their Metallicity Gradients」 |
7.7-12 | 富士吉田 | Nuclei in the Cosmos VII にてポスター発表「Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae and Chemical Evolution of Galaxies」 |
7.5-6 | 東京 | 研究会 Numerical Simulations in Astronomy 2002。 |
6.4-7 | Elba, Italy | Elba Workshop "EARLY COSMIC STRUCTURES AND THE END OF THE DARK AGES" にて発表(6.7) 「Formation and Chemodynamical Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies」 |
5.27 | Munich | Institute Seminar にて発表「Formation and Chemodynamical Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies」 |
5.6-7 | Leiden, Holland | EARA Workshop on The Side-effects of Star Formation にて発表(5.6)「Chemodynamical Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies」 |
4 | Munich, Germany | マックスプランク研究所 天体物理部門 (MPA) のポスドク研究員に就き、ドイツ、ミュンヘンに移住。 |
3.29 | 東京大学大学院理学系研究科天文学専攻博士課程 修了。 | |
3.28-30 | 水戸 |
日本天文学会にて発表(3.29)。 R51a「楕円銀河の金属量勾配II」 |
3.13-23 | アラスカ | 六度目のアラスカに行き、オーロラを見る。これでしばしの別れ。 |
3.7 | 本郷 | RESCEU seminar にてポスター発表「楕円銀河の形成と化学力学進化」 |
2.24-3.3 | ドイツ | MPAへ出張。Cosmology Seminar にて発表(2.26)「Formation and Chemodynamical Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies」 |
2.24 | 集録「Chemodynamical Evolution of Galaxies」 in "Studies of Galaxies in the Young Universe with New Generation Telescopes" | |
2.24 | 集録「Formation and Chemodynamical Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies: Monolithic Collapse and Major Merger」in "New Trends in Theoretical and Observational Cosmology" | |
2.8 | 三鷹 | 天文台理論部ゼミにて発表。「楕円銀河の形成と化学力学進化」 |
1.30-2.1 | 名古屋 | マゼラン星雲大研究ワークショップにて発表(1.30)。「マゼラン雲の化学進化」 |
1.28 | 本郷 | 博士論文「Formation and Chemodynamical Evolution of Galaxies(銀河の形成と化学力学進化)」審査会、合格。 |
2001 | ||
12.21 | 博士論文「Formation and Chemodynamical Evolution of Galaxies(銀河の形成と化学力学進化)」提出。 | |
12.17 | 集録「Chemodynamical Evolution of Galaxies」in "The Evolution of Galaxies II. Basic Building Block" | |
12.13-14 | 三鷹 | 国立天文台天文学データ解析計算センター ユーザーズミーティングにて発表(12.13)。「楕円銀河の形成と化学力学進化」 |
12.11 | 本郷 | 天文学教室談話会にて発表。「楕円銀河の形成と化学力学進化」 |
11.13-16 | 本郷 | The 5th RESCEU International Symposium: New Trends in Theoretical and Observational Cosmology にてポスター発表「Chemodynamical Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies」 |
11.3 | 集録「Chemodynamical Evolution of the Milky Way」in "IAU Symposium 208 Astrophysical Supercomputing using Particle Simulations" | |
10.16-21 | フランス | The Evolution of Galaxies II. Basic Building Blocks にて発表(10.19)「Chemodynamical Evolution of Galaxies」 |
10.15 | 第四筆頭著者論文投稿。 | |
10.4-6 | 姫路 |
日本天文学会にて発表(10.4)。 R25a「楕円銀河の金属量勾配の起源」 |
9.5 | 三鷹 | 有本研ゼミにて発表。銀河系の化学力学進化。 |
7.24-27 | 仙台 | Japan-German Seminar 2001, Studies of Galaxies in the Young Universe with New Generation Telescopes にて発表(7.24)「Chemodynamical Evolution of Galaxies」 |
7.10-13 | 本郷 | IAU Symposium 208: Astrophysical Supercomputing using Particle Simulations にてポスター発表「Chemodynamical Evolution of the Galaxy」 |
7.2 | 本郷 | コロキウムにて発表。Ia型超新星の話。 |
6.17-20 | 沖縄 | 五度目の沖縄旅行で石垣島に行く。珊瑚礁の海に潜る。 |
5.23 | 京都 | 研究会 GalaxyShop-2001-2: 矮小銀河。 |
3.20-30 | アラスカ | 五度目のアラスカに行き、オーロラを見る。 |
3.17 | 集録「Chemodynamical Evolution of the Galaxy」in "元素の起源と初期宇宙・銀河の進化"研究会 | |
3.5 | 横浜 | Japan/Germany workshop on clusters of galaxies。 |
2.10 | 集録「Cosmic Supernova Rate History and Type Ia Supernova Progenitors」in "Cosmic Evolution" | |
1.22-24 | 四谷 |
"元素の起源と初期宇宙・銀河の進化"研究会にて発表(1.24)。 「銀河系の化学力学進化」 |
2000 | ||
12.13-15 | 三鷹 | 天文学データ解析計算センターユーザーズミーティング。 |
12.4-5 | 三鷹 | 高精度アストロメトリ観測で拓く宇宙物理学。 |
11.13-17 | パリ | International Conference, COSMIC EVOLUTION にて発表(11.17)。「Metallicity Effects on Type Ia Supernovae and Cosmic Supernova Rate History」 |
11.4 | 初島 | 3, 4 本目を潜る。 |
10.16 | 本郷 | コロキウムにて発表。化学力学進化の話。 |
10.5-7 | 伊勢崎 |
日本天文学会にて発表(10.5)。 B01a「銀河系の化学力学進化」 |
9.23 | 江の浦 | 1, 2 本目を潜る。 |
8.23 | 八幡野 | NAUIのスクーバダイビングのCカードを取得。 |
7.16-20 | 沖縄 | 四度目の沖縄旅行で石垣島に行く。 |
6.6 | 本郷 | コロキウムにて発表。化学力学進化の話。 |
4.27- | 銀河の化学力学進化計算を始める。 | |
4.20 | 駒場 | 東大教養 宇宙地球科学教室のセミナー にて発表。楕円銀河の話。 |
4.3-5 | 本郷 | 日本天文学会。 |
3.12 | 第三筆頭著者論文(第六論文)受理。「The History of the Comic Supernova Rate Derived from the Evolution of the Host Galaxies」Kobayashi, Tsujimoto, & Nomoto 2000, ApJ, in press | |
3.2-15 | アラスカ | アラスカに行き、四度目のオーロラを見る。 |
1.29 | 集録「Type Ia Supernovae: Progenitors and Evolution with Redshift」in Maryland Conference (Nomoto et al.) | |
1.20 | 集録「Gradients of Absorption Line Strengths in Elliptical Galaxies」in FMOS研究会 | |
1999 | ||
12.22 | 集録「Metallicity Effects on Type Ia Supernovae and Galactic and Cosmic Chemical Evolution」in Rome-Trieste Workshop | |
12.8-19 | 北区つかこうへい劇団 公演「二代目はクリスチャン」(パルコ劇場) をお手伝い。 | |
12.17 | 三鷹 | FMOS研究会にて発表。「楕円銀河の金属量勾配」 |
12.16 | 本郷 | コロキウムにて発表。「金属量に依存したIa型超新星モデルの効用」 |
12.8-10 | 三鷹 | HDS Workshop にて発表(12.9)。「Tests for Type Ia Supernova Progenitors and Their Metallicity Effect」 |
11.30- | つかこうへい事務所HPより「こばやしちあきの稽古場日誌」を出す。 | |
11.16-18 | 本郷 | RESCEU国際研究会。 |
11.1 | 本郷 | 岡村研 観測的宇宙論ゼミ にて発表。楕円銀河 の話。 |
10.7-9 | 博多 |
日本天文学会にて発表(10.7)。 U12a「Ia型超新星による宇宙論パラメータ決定におけるダスト効果」 |
9.19-24 | イタリア | Rome-Trieste Workshop にて発表(9.24)。「Low metallicity inhibition of Type Ia SNe and Galactic and Cosmic chemical evolution」 |
8.30-31 | 三鷹 | Workshop on "Elliptical Galaxies in the Local Universe"で二度発表(8.30&31)。 金属量勾配の話と原理平面の話。 |
8.20-24 | ハワイ | 友人二人とハワイ旅行でオアフ島へ行く。 |
8.19 | 第三論文投稿らしい。Totani & Kobayashi | |
8.9 | 第五論文投稿らしい。Tamura et al. | |
8.1 | 第三筆頭著者論文(第六論文)投稿。KTN | |
7.28 | 集録「Type Ia Supernova Progenitors, Environmental Effects, and Cosmic Supernova Rates」in ``Type Ia Supernovae: Theory and Cosmology''(Nomoto et al.) | |
7.15-19 | 沖縄 | 三度目の沖縄旅行で石垣島に行く。 |
7.9 | 三鷹 | 有本研 Prickly Seminar にて発表。楕円銀河の話。 |
7.8 | 本郷 | 野本研 Galaxy Seminar にて発表。楕円銀河の話。 |
7.6 | 第二筆頭著者論文(第四論文)受理。「Gradients of Absorption Line Strengths in Elliptical Galaxies」Kobayashi & Arimoto 1999, ApJ, in press | |
6.25 | 高田馬場 | 早大 前田研のセミナーにて発表。SNIa の話。 |
6.14-17 | 京都 | 京大 宇物へ出張。ついでにセミナー発表(6.14)。SNIa の話。 |
6.7 | 集録「Cosmic Supernova Rates in Cluster vs. Field Galaxies」 in ASCA Symposium | |
6.3 | 本郷 | 東大物理 宇宙理論グループセミナー にて発表。SNIa の話。 |
5.28 | 三鷹 | 有本研 Prickly Seminar にて発表。SNIa の話。 |
5.24 | 本郷 | 岡村研 観測的宇宙論ゼミ にて発表。SNIa の話。 |
4.30 | 第二論文投稿らしい。Umeda et al. | |
4.28 | 集録「Metallicity Effects on Type Ia Supernovae and Chemical Evolution in the Magellanic Clouds」 in マゼラン雲研究会 | |
4.15 | 本郷 | 野本研 Galaxy Seminar にて発表。化学進化について。 |
4 | 東京大学大学院理学系研究科天文学専攻博士課程 入学。 | |
3 | 東京大学大学院理学系研究科天文学専攻修士課程 卒業。 | |
3.25-27 | 京都 |
日本天文学会にて発表(3.25)。 R32a「楕円銀河の金属量勾配」 |
3.17-19 | 南大沢 | ASCA Symposiumにてポスター発表。「Metallicity Effects on Type Ia Supernovae and Galactic and Cosmic Chemical Evolution」 |
2.26-3.6 | アラスカ | 友人とアラスカに行き、三度目のオーロラを見る。 |
2.25 | 集録「Metallicity Effects on Type Ia Supernovae and Cosmic Supernova Rates in Cluster vs. Field Galaxies」 in Memorie della Societa Astronmica Italiana | |
2.22-24 | 三鷹 |
マゼラン雲研究会にてポスター発表。 「Ia型超新星の金属量効果を導入したマゼラン雲の化学進化」 |
2.17 | 集録「Galactic and Cosmic Supernova Rates and Metallicity Effects on Type Ia Supernovae」in HDS Workshop | |
2.16 | 集録「Galactic and Cosmic Supernova Rates and Metallicity Effects on Type Ia Supernovae」in "恒星系の力学進化と恒星進化"研究会 | |
2.15-16 | 本郷 | 修士論文発表会にて発表(2.15)。 「Low-Metallicity Inhibition of Type Ia Supernovae and Galactic and Cosmic Chemical Evolution」 |
2.10 | 修士論文提出 「Low-Metallicity Inhibition of Type Ia Supernovae and Galactic and Cosmic Chemical Evolution」 | |
1.29-30 | 駒場 |
"恒星系の力学進化と恒星進化"研究会にて発表(1.30)。 「Ia型超新星の金属量効果と銀河の化学進化」 |
1.27-28 | 三鷹 |
HDS研究会にて発表(1.27)。 「Ia型超新星の金属量効果と銀河の化学進化」 |
1.21 | 集録「Supernova Nucleosynthesis, Chemical Evolution, and Cosmic Supernova Rate」in Galaxy evolution : Connecting the distant Universe with the local fossil record (Nomoto et al.) | |
1998 | ||
10.29 | イタリア大使館なんちゃらイベントでJ. Danzigerの通訳を行う。 | |
10.27 | 集録「Galactic and Cosmic Supernova Rates and Metallicity Effects on Type Ia Supernovae」in Nuclei in the Cosmos V | |
10.11-14 | ハワイ | HDS Workshop にて初海外発表(10.12)。 「[O/Fe] around [Fe/H]=-1 as a Critical Test for the Metallicity Effect on Type Ia Supernovae」 |
10.1-3 | 山形 |
日本天文学会にて発表(10.1)。 R04a「Ia型超新星の金属量依存性を導入した低金属量系の化学進化」 |
9.17-18 | 南大沢 | 研究会 銀河団の物理。 |
8.20 | 初論文 Astrophysical Journal Letters に掲載。 | |
7.31-8.3 | 沖縄 | 二度目の沖縄旅行で宮古島に行く。 |
7.23 | 本郷 | 野本研 Galaxy Seminar にて発表。cosmic SFR について。 |
7.6 | 本郷 | 教室コロキウムにて発表。 |
6.23 | 初論文受理。「Low-Metallicity Inhibition of Type Ia Supernovae and Galactic and Cosmic Chemical Evolution」Kobayashi, Tsujimoto, Nomoto, Hachisu, & Kato 1998, ApJL, in press | |
5.27 | 第二筆頭著者論文(第四論文)投稿。Kobayashi & Arimoto | |
5.26 | 初論文投稿。Kobayashi et al. | |
4.23 | 本郷 | 野本研 Galaxy Seminar にて発表。化学進化について。 |
4.2 | 初英語集録「Global Supernova Rate History」in Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies 97 | |
3.16-18 | 南大沢 |
日本天文学会にて発表(3.17)。 R32a「楕円銀河の進化と宇宙の大局的星形成及び超新星頻度史」 |
3.10-13 | 代々木 | 数値計算天文学の国際会議 NAP98。 |
2.25 | 三鷹 | 三鷹コロキウムにて発表。初・発表遅刻……。 |
2.16 | 集録「楕円銀河の進化と宇宙の大局的星形成及び超新星頻度史」in 理論懇シンポジウム | |
2.4-5 | 本郷 | 宇宙電波懇談会シンポジウム。 |
1.2-1.4 | 劇団後藤田探偵事務所「スクエアモノローグ」出演。 | |
1997 | ||
12.24-12.26 | 三鷹 |
理論天文学懇談会シンポジウムにてポスター発表。 「受動的進化と大局的星形成をともにみたす楕円銀河の超新星頻度史」 |
12.9 | 浅野 | 教室コロキウムにて発表。 |
11.25-27 | 三鷹 | 天文学データ解析計算センターユーザーズミーティング。 |
11.5-11.7 | 熱海 |
国際会議 OMEG97 にて初英語発表(11.6)。緊張したけど楽しかった。 「Supernovae Rate History in Elliptical Galaxies」 |
11 | 卒業論文提出。やっと卒業研究が終わった〜。 | |
9.29-10.1 | 宇都宮 |
日本天文学会にて発表(9.30)。 R43a「Ia型超新星頻度からみる楕円銀河の形成・進化」 |
9.16 | 浅野 | 教室コロキウムにて発表。 |
8.31 | 劇団後藤田探偵事務所入団。来年1月公演予定。 | |
8.17-8.30 | 京都 | 国際天文学会。かたことの英語と度胸一発で有名人とおはなし。 |
7.26-7.29 | 沖縄 | 友人二人と初の沖縄旅行に行く。 |
7.21-7.23 | 千葉 | 家族海旅行、千葉県富浦。 |
7.18 | 三鷹 | 三鷹コロキウムにて発表。 |
7.5 | 銀河の化学進化コード完成。 | |
6- | 銀河の化学進化計算を始める。 | |
4 | 東京大学大学院理学系研究科天文学専攻修士課程 入学。野本研究室入室。 | |
3 | 東京大学理学部天文学科 卒業。 | |
3.8-3.20 | アラスカ | 二度目の海外旅行かつ初の単独海外旅行でアラスカに行き、オーロラを見る。 |
3.7 | 浅野 |
卒業研究発表会。しかしまだ卒業論文は書けていない……。 「楕円銀河の質量・金属量関係への疑い」 |
2.27-3.1 | 京都 |
基研研究会にて初発表(2.28)。ものすごく緊張した。 「楕円銀河の吸収線勾配:新しい事実」 |
1996 | ||
7.25-27 | 千葉 | 家族海旅行、千葉県富浦。 |
6- | 卒業研究「楕円銀河の吸収線強度勾配」を始める。 | |
3.15-3.21 | アラスカ | 初海外旅行でアラスカに行き、オーロラを見る。 |
1995 | ||
12 | 野辺山 | 実習で野辺山電波観測所へ行く。 |
10 | 木曾 | 実習で木曾観測所へ行く。 |
6.28 | ホームページ開設。 | |
4 | 東京大学理学部天文学科 進学。 |