Public outreach is an important aspect of the RoPACS project. Educational tools and classroom activities will be designed and developed by network researchers (ERs and ESRs). More products will become available as and when they are developed in the near-future.
Developed by Dr James Collett at the University of
Hertfordshire, the Brunometer is a hand-held mechanical device
that allows you to calculate the surface temperature on planets.
By adjusting a variety of critical parameters that relate to the
planet and the parent star, the Brunometer determines the
effective surface temperature of the body at periastron and
apastron. The Brunometer also simultaneously calculates the
range of orbital distances that encompass the habitable zone - a
region around a given star where we might find life as we know
it. For more detailed information on this product, including the
set of downloadable templates that are required to construct the
device, click on the following link or the
image to the right of this text.