VIRAC v2.0
Astrometric Calibration
We begin the astrometric calibration by applying the CASU astrometric solution and radial distortion correction to each array in the catalogue to convert to equatorial coordinates. Note that the CASU astrometric solution is based on array coordinates determined by their source detection and aperture based centroiding. We don’t expect CASU centroids to agree exactly with the DoPhot centroids but they are sufficiently close that the astrometric solution is still valid. At this point we need only equatorial coordinates good enough to identify sources common to our astrometric reference catalogue.
As our astrometric reference catalogue we use the projected position of Gaia DR2 sources at the epoch of the VVV observation taking into account their proper motions and parallaxes (Gaia
The Gaia
For each VIRCAM array we generate a grid of array coordinates with Gaia
Preliminary testing indicated that 6
Note that this process is unlikely to yield as accurate a calibration in surveys covering more sparse fields. It works in the VVV because we have a large number of astrometric reference sources available in every field. In principle one could produce an average astrometric correction based on this process that could be applied to all VIRCAM observations (see e.g. ), but this is outside the scope of this paper.
We apply our derived transformation to the Gaia
Photometric Calibration
The method we use for photometric calibration is simpler than for the astrometric calibration described above but employs the same basic strategy: Measure a local transformation at different points across the array and interpolate between them.
We chose to use the DoPhot based VVV photometric catalogues of ( hereafter) as a photometric reference. These have the advantage that they are at essentially the same depth as the catalogues we wish to calibrate, and that have done much of the hard work necessary to anchor PSF based photometry to the original 2MASS based calibration of the aperture photometry done by ( hereafter). It’s unfortunate that we must add one more link to the chain of this photometric calibration, but
Calibrating high resolution photometry to the low-resolution photometry of 2MASS in such dense fields is a significant effort (see ), far beyond the scope of this paper.
We do not care a great deal that the photometry are calibrated perfectly to an absolute photometric system, only that the shape of the light curves are accurate.
Point (ii) highlights the an additional advantage of the catalogues: They are provide a singular reference point at any position in the survey, across arrays, pawprints and tiles. This means that even across pawprint overlaps (i.e. same patch of the sky observed in different parts of the focal plane) we are calibrating to a fixed reference, and hence systematic offsets between light curves of different pawprints and tiles are calibrated out.
We cross match catalogues to the original CASU astrometric solution based coordinates of each of our pawprint catalogues, since the CASU astrometric solution was applied by . We use a 2
As for the astrometric calibration, we place a grid of
We were able to use a finer grid of samples and a smaller reference source selection radius due to fewer coefficients needing to be measured at each point and the larger number of available reference sources compared to the astrometric calibration. We found
This data can currently only be used on a collaboratory basis since VIRAC v2 contains private VVV and VVVx data. If you’d like access to the below tables please email me with your wsdb username.
This table is identical in structure to leigh_smith.virac_pm2, but it contains only sources with J and H (and obviously Ks) detections. This is the most reliable version of the table and would be the one to use unless you’re really digging into the noise.
Column | Type | Description |
sourceid | bigint | Unique source identifier - ringed healpix index at resolution 8 (nsides 256) times 1000000 plus a running number |
ra | double precision | Right Ascension in decimal degrees - at epoch 2014.0 if source has proper motion |
dec | double precision | Declination in decimal degrees - at epoch 2014.0 if source has proper motion |
era | real | Error in RA*cos(Dec) in mas |
edec | real | Error in Dec in mas |
l | double precision | Galactic longitude in decimal degrees - at epoch 2014.0 if source has proper motion |
b | double precision | Galactic latitude in decimal degrees - at epoch 2014.0 if source has proper motion |
pmra | double precision | Proper motion in RA*cos(Dec) in masyr |
pmdec | double precision | Proper motion in Dec in masyr |
epmra | double precision | Proper motion error in RA*cos(Dec) in masyr |
epmdec | double precision | Proper motion error in Dec in masyr |
pm | double precision | Total proper motion in masyr |
epm | double precision | Total proper motion error in masyr |
plx | double precision | Parallax in mas |
eplx | double precision | Error on parallax in mas |
mean_epoch | double precision | Mean epoch in modified Julian days |
epoch_baseline | real | Epoch baseline in Julian years |
zmag | real | Z magnitude - inverse variance weighted mean of all lightcurve points |
ezmag | real | Z magnitude error - inverse variance weighted mean of all lightcurve points |
zepochs | smallint | Total number of Z epochs |
ymag | real | Y magnitude - inverse variance weighted mean of all lightcurve points |
eymag | real | Y magnitude error - inverse variance weighted mean of all lightcurve points |
yepochs | smallint | Total number of Y epochs |
jmag | real | J magnitude - inverse variance weighted mean of all lightcurve points |
ejmag | real | J magnitude error - inverse variance weighted mean of all lightcurve points |
jepochs | smallint | Total number of J epochs |
hmag | real | H magnitude - inverse variance weighted mean of all lightcurve points |
ehmag | real | H magnitude error - inverse variance weighted mean of all lightcurve points |
hepochs | smallint | Total number of H epochs |
kmag | real | Ks magnitude - inverse variance weighted mean of all lightcurve points |
ekmag | real | Ks magnitude error - inverse variance weighted mean of all lightcurve points |
kepochs | smallint | Total number of Ks epochs |
ppcount | smallint | The number of pawprint sets (pointings) this source is detected in (should be accurate for most sources) |
pp2count | smallint | The number of epochs in the second most numerous pawprint set (pointing), if in only 1 pawprint set then this value is for the most numerous and negative (a little confusing but useful for identifying junk) |
pp2frac | real | Similar to pp2count, is pp2count divided by the total number of epochs in that pawprint set (this is junk identifier of most uniform sensitivity) |
bestconsecdets | smallint | The longest run of consecutive detections of the source in the best seeing epoch of each calendar year (this is quite a good junk identifier) |
skewness | real | Ks Lightcurve skewness |
kurtosis | real | Ks Lightcurve Kurtosis |
stetson_i | real | Welch and Stetson (1993) I variability index in the Ks band |
stetson_i_n | smallint | Number of pairs of observations contributing to stetson_i |
eta | real | von Neumann eta index in the Ks band |
npp1 | smallint | Unique identifier of most numerous pawprint set |
npp2 | smallint | Unique identifier of second most numerous pawprint set |
mags_mean | real | Mean of Ks lightcurve points |
mags_stdev | real | Standard deviation of Ks lightcurve points |
mags_mad | real | Median absolute deviation from the median of Ks ightcurve points |
mags_min | real | Minimum of Ks lightcurve points |
mags_max | real | Maximum of Ks lightcurve points |
mags_q1 | real | Percentile 1 of Ks lightcurve points |
mags_q2 | real | Percentile 2 of Ks lightcurve points |
mags_q4 | real | Percentile 4 of Ks lightcurve points |
mags_q8 | real | Percentile 8 of Ks lightcurve points |
mags_q16 | real | Percentile 16 of Ks lightcurve points |
mags_q32 | real | Percentile 32 of Ks lightcurve points |
mags_q50 | real | Percentile 50 of Ks lightcurve points |
mags_q68 | real | Percentile 68 of Ks lightcurve points |
mags_q84 | real | Percentile 84 of Ks lightcurve points |
mags_q92 | real | Percentile 92 of Ks lightcurve points |
mags_q96 | real | Percentile 96 of Ks lightcurve points |
mags_q98 | real | Percentile 98 of Ks lightcurve points |
mags_q99 | real | Percentile 99 of Ks lightcurve points |
mags_q100mq0 | real | Max minus min of Ks lightcurve points |
mags_q99mq1 | real | Percentile 99 minus percentile 1 of Ks lightcurve points |
mags_q95mq5 | real | Percentile 95 minus percentile 5 of Ks lightcurve points |
mags_q90mq10 | real | Percentile 90 minus percentile 10 of Ks lightcurve points |
mags_q75mq25 | real | Percentile 75 minus percentile 25 of Ks lightcurve points |
rand_flt | real | Random floating point number between 0 and 1 - for selecting random subsets |
Column | Type | Description |
sourceid | bigint | Unique source identifier - ringed healpix index at resolution 8 (nsides 256) times 1000000 plus a running number |
detid | integer[] | array - Row number in dophot catalogue |
catid | integer[] | array - ID of dophot catalogue |
mjdobs | double precision[] | array - Modified Julian day of observation |
mag | real[] | array - Ks band magnitude |
emag | real[] | array - Ks band magnitude error |
x | real[] | array - Array X coordinate |
y | real[] | array - Array Y coordinate |
dp_objtype | smallint[] | array - Dophot object type - 1 means ’perfect’ star, full 7 parameter psf fit is performed - 7 means too faint for full psf fit, 4 parameter psf fit is attempted and result is only reasonable if object truly is a star |
dp_chi | real[] | array - Chi of dophot psf fit |
ext | smallint[] | array - Extension number of VIRCAM array |
pxl_cnf | smallint[] | array - CASU confidence map value of centroid pixel |
sky | real[] | array - Dophot determined sky value |
Column | Type | Description |
id | integer | Unique dophot catalogue identifier (links to catid in leigh_smith.virac_lc) |
filename | text | Catalogue filename |
tile | text | VVV tile |
ob | text | VVV OB name |
ra | double precision | RA of pointing coordinates - decimal degrees |
dec | double precision | Dec of pointing coordinates - decimal degrees |
l | double precision | Galactic longitude of pointing coordinates - decimal degrees |
b | double precision | Galactic latitude of pointing coordinates - decimal degrees |
source_count | integer | Number of sources dophot detects in this catalogue |
exptime | real | Exposure time |
mjdobs | double precision | Modified Julian day of observation |
airmass | real | Airmass |
skylevel | double precision | CASU determined sky level |
skynoise | double precision | CASU determined sky noise |
elliptic | double precision | CASU determined ellipticity |
stdcrms | double precision | RMS of CASU astrometric reference stars |
seeing | double precision | CASU determined seeing (median of all arrays) |
n_seeing | integer | Number of arrays with CASU seeing value (should be 16) |
ppid | smallint | Pawprint (pointing) ID in tile |
uq_ppid | integer | Unique pawprint (pointing) ID over whole survey |
astro_calib | smallint | Catalogue has CASU astrometric calibration applied |
masked | smallint | Catalogue has CASU confidence map values added |
phot_calib | smallint | Catalogue has undergone VIRAC v2 photometric calibration |
gdr2_calib | smallint | Catalogue has undergone VIRAC v2 astrometric calibration |
reject | smallint | Catalogue is rejected |
Column | Type | Description |
gaia_id | bigint | Gaia source id |
virac2_id | bigint | VIRAC v2 source id |
Example Queries
Select all detections and non-detections of an object
with c as (
with a as (
select unnest(catid) as catid,
unnest(mjdobs) as mjdobs,
unnest(mag) as mag,
unnest(emag) as emag,
unnest(dp_chi) as chi
from leigh_smith.virac_lc
where sourceid=641242039174
select b.uq_ppid, b.filename, b.seeing, a.*
from a
inner join leigh_smith.virac2_cat_index as b
select filename, seeing, mjdobs, mag, emag, chi
from c
select d.filename, d.seeing, d.mjdobs, NULL, NULL, NULL
from leigh_smith.virac2_cat_index as d
left join c on d.uq_ppid=c.uq_ppid
where d.uq_ppid in (select uq_ppid from c)
and not in (select catid from c)
order by mjdobs;
This selects filename, seeing, mjdobs, mag, emag and dophot chi for all detections or non-detections of source 641242039174. This identifies VVV pointings (pawprints, identified by ‘uq_ppid’) in which a source is detected at least once, then assumes it was covered by all observations at the same pointing. This could fail if a source is right at the edge of a pawprint, particularly in vvv tiles d015 and b390 where the pointing coordinates changed in the middle of the survey. It will also fail if a source is in the area covered by two pawprints but for whatever reason it is only detected in one set, in which case I’d question the validity of the source anyway.