Gemini South/Flamingos Imaging Data

H band data - Field 1

H band data - Field 2

H band data - Field 3

This web page contains WCS calibrated H band data from Lucas, Roche and Tamura (2005): 'A Deep Survey of brown dwarfs in Orion with Gemini', published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol.361, p211.

The data are intended to serve as finder charts for the sources detected in that paper. Absolute astrometric precision is approximately 0.5 arcsec and was obtained from the 2MASS All Sky Survey. The calibration of Field 1 is slightly worse than Fields 2 and 3, owing to greater image distortion in that coadded field mosaic.

Shift click or right click on the links to download gzip compressed H band fits images of the 3 Flamingos fields described in that paper.

Author: Phil Lucas

This page last updated on 19th November 2005