Inspired by the beauty of the countryside of the British Isles, this site contains a collection of photos which depict some of its mountain landscapes. I hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I've enjoyed capturing the images over the years.
The chance of bagging a new peak is a great driving motive for getting out to the hills, so many of the images here are not taken in ideal conditions. To capture the best lighting conditions can mean a very early start, or being out late into the evening in the long summer days. Sometimes however the perfect moment will present itself completely unexpectedly at any time of day.
This is in no way an attempt at a comprehensive series of images. The Mountain Photos link will take you to the collection of single frame and panoramic shots. The panoramas were stitched using the excellent Panorama Factory. See my main website for Other Photos.
If you have any comments questions email me at (replacing nospam with mountainlandscape)