John Barnes


  February 2005

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  February 6th: Blebo Skellies Waterfalls 1

Waterfall 1

  February 6th: Blebo Skellies Waterfalls 2

Waterfall 2

  February 6th: Blebo Skellies Waterfalls 3

Waterfall 3


  February 6th: Blebo Skellies Waterfalls 4

Waterfall 4

  February 6th & 13th: Waterfall by the road, near Kemback Village Hall

Waterfall 4 Waterfall 4

  February 19th: Clatto Cottage and Clatto Bothy (mid morning)

Clatto Cottage/Bothy

  February 24th: Clatto Cottage and Clatto Bothy (early morning - the snow didn't last long)

Clatto Cottage/Bothy

  February 27th: Clatto Cottage and Clatto Bothy again, but earlier in the morning

Clatto Cottage/Bothy Feb 27th

  February 27th: Clatto Cottage and Clatto Bothy (B&W version of above)

Clatto Cottage/Bothy Feb 27th B&W