John Barnes


Aurora Pics - I

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 This series of images was taken during a spectacular auroral storm on Wednesday 13th January 1999, as seen from one mile out of St Andrews. The event lasted for approximately 45 minutes,waxing and waning in intensity, reaching a peak at 22:00, (images 3-6).

The images were taken on KODAK 200 negative film, using a Canon EOS 1000F camera with focal lengths between 35-80mm. Exposure lengths varied between 15s and 30s. No filters were used, the images have not been manipulated after scanning.

Image 1: Green with red developing at top-centre (Background lights are RAF Leuchars and Dundee)

Image 2: Vivid green

Image 3: The storm reaches a climax (the lights to the left are from the nearby village of Strathkinness)

Image 4: Brilliant Reds and Greens