Les Vępres siciliennes

Giuseppe Verdi

Premiere: 2013
Co-production with The Royal Danish Opera, Copenhagen

Director	Stefan Herheim
Dramaturg	Alexander Meier-Dörzenbach
Set designs	Philipp Fürhofer
Costume designs	Gesine Voellm
Lighting design	Anders Poll
Choreography	Andre de Jong

Conductor	Antonio Pappano
Helene	Lianna Haroutounian (<-Marina Poplavskaya) (S)
Henri	Bryan Hymel (T)
Procida	Erwin Schrott (B)
Guy de Montfort	Michael Volle (Br)
Ninetta	Michelle Daly (S)
Thibault	Neal Cooper
Daniéli	Nicolas Darmanin
Mainfroid	Jung Soo Yun
Robert	Jihoon Kim (B)
Le Sire de Béthune	Jean Teitgen
Le Comte de Vaudemont	Jeremy White
Chorus	 Royal Opera Chorus
Orchestra	 Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Main Auditorium
Tue, 29 Oct 2013, 6:00 PM
Running time: 3 hours 50 minutes (2 Intervals)
Sung in French with English surtitles

Balcony Left, A 11, Full Price 57.00 GBP

Main Auditorium
Fri, 1 Nov 2013, 6:00 PM
Running time: 3 hours 50 minutes (2 Intervals)
Sung in French with English surtitles

Amphitheatre Lower Slips Left, A 13, Full Price 14.00 GBP