In Parenthesis

Iain Bell
David Antrobus and Emma Jenkins

World Premiere: May 13, 2016 at WNO

Director  David Pountney
Designer  Robert Innes Hopkins
Lighting designer  Malcolm Rippeth
Performed by  Welsh National Opera

Conductor Carlo Rizzi
Private John Ball  Andrew Bidlack
Bard of Britannia/HQ Officer  Peter Coleman-Wright
Bard of Germania  Alexandra Deshorties
Alice the Barmaid  Alexandra Deshorties
The Queen of the Woods  Alexandra Deshorties
Lieutenant Jenkins  George Humphreys
Lance Corporal Lewis  Marcus Farnsworth
Sergeant SnellMark Le Brocq
Dai Greatcoat  Donald Maxwell
The Marne Sergeant  Graham Clark
Chorus  Welsh National Opera Chorus
Orchestra  Welsh National Opera Orchestra
Main Auditorium
Fri, 1 Jul 2016, 7:30 PM
Running time: 2 hours 15 minutes (1 Interval)
Sung in English with English surtitles

Stalls Circle Left, C-36, Full Price 35.00 GBP