Don Giovanni

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Lorenzo da Ponte

Production originated: 1996

Conductor Lothar Koenigs
Director John Caird
Designer John Napier
Costume Designers John Napier and Yoon Bae
Lighting Designer David Hersey
Choreographer Andrew Wright
Don Giovanni *** David Kempster -> Duncan Rock (Br)
Leporello (his servant) * David Soar (B)
Donna Elvira * Nuccia Focile (S)
Donna Anna * Camilla Roberts (S)
Don Ottavio (Anna's fiance) Robin Tritschler (T)
Zerlina * Claire Ormshaw (S)
Masetto (Zerlina's husband) Gary Griffiths (B)
Commendatore (Anna's father) Carlo Malinverno (B)

New Theatre, Oxford
Fri, 25 Nov 2011, 7:00 PM
Running time: 3 hours (1 Interval)
Sung in Italian with English surtitles

Stalls, X 21, 39 GBP