Photometric Light Curve Analysis

Information regarding this project is presented below

ESR/ER Researchers

MPE ESR - Jesus Zendejas

Project Description

To narrow down the planet candidate list using detailed photometric analysis. The following tasks will be addressed:

  • Careful assessment of candidate lists through analysis of available light curves (from WTS, PanPlanets and OmegaTrans)
  • Multiband photometry using archive (SLOAN, 2MASS, PanSTARRS1, Wendelstein, OmegaCam and GROND data, involving possibly new observations, data reduction, spectral typing, extinction.
  • High cadence ground-based optical and NIR photometry, involving new observations with the above-mentioned telescopes, to derive precise light curve shapes, transit parameters and constraints on possible blends.

Project Supervisors

MPE - R. Saglia, R. Bender, J. Koppenhöfer

Other Researchers Working on Project